Facilitating multi stakeholder collaboration, co– creation & dialogue

Transformation processes are never achieved by individuals—they require collaboration between multiple actors with diverse visions, interests, and power positions. This complexity demands guidance through facilitation, moderation, and structured dialogue, as systems often remain stagnant or perpetuate adverse effects without it. Creating space for meaningful conversations is crucial to understanding and bridging differences. At WUR, we bring together diverse stakeholders and facilitate even the most challenging transformation processes. We believe dialogue and co-creation are at the heart of transformative change

Facilitating dialogue and partnerships

As impartial facilitators, we help initiate and guide complex conversations, enabling stakeholders to form meaningful partnerships. Our deep expertise in the agri-food domain allows us to bring together not only the ‘usual suspects’ but also unconventional or often marginalized voices. These include representatives of future generations, smallholders, experiential knowledge holders, and nature itself. By ensuring such inclusivity and diversity, we help create decision-making processes that are more balanced and equitable.

Methods and approaches for dialogue

Transformation processes evolve through different phases, each requiring unique dialogue methods. Drawing on our expertise, we tailor these methods to address the complexity, scale, and phase of each process. Among our key tools are the Dialogue Navigator and the Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Guide, which effectively steer discussions and encourage co-creation. These deliberative events can be held at locations directly tied to the complex challenges at hand, bringing stakeholders closer to the context. Alternatively, we offer the option to host dialogues at in our dedicated facility Omnia, combining our expertise with a space designed for meaningful conversations.

Co-creation processes

Transitions are inherently complex, marked by uncertainty, feedback loops, and non-linearity, making future outcomes difficult to predict. To address these challenges, a step-by-step, bottom-up approach is essential, where actors collaboratively build a shared understanding of the issues at hand. This process not only deepens insight but also empowers participants to co-create solutions that they trust and are committed to. By actively involving those directly impacted, we ensure the process remains demand-driven, resulting in practical and actionable outcomes.