Foresight & scenarios

At Wageningen University & Research, we guide networks and organisations in supporting effective food systems transformation processes. We do this through making explicit the complexities of future uncertainties, helping shape a collective vision for sustainable futures. We utilize a dynamic mix of quantitative, qualitative, and participatory methods to empower organizations and partnerships with a structured framework. This framework enables collaborative exploration of different scenarios for the future of food systems, sparking conversations about both plausible and desirable futures.


Our foresight services deploy a robust set of methods and tools designed to navigate future landscapes. These include horizon scanning, data modeling, scenario development, trade-off analysis and visioning.. These elements are integral to the foresight process, where a broad spectrum of participatory stakeholder engagement tools are integrated into the overall process.

Future scenarios

A key aspect of foresight is the creation and evaluation of future scenarios. With access to a diverse pool of experts, we support networks, governments, and organizations in creating detailed and quantifiable scenarios that reflect potential, likely, and desirable futures for food systems in specific contexts. These scenarios can also be quantified, including an analysis of possible trade-offs and synergies. Through this participatory co-creation process, we enable organisations to make data-based and informed choices about the future directions of their food system.