Frameworks & tools
We provide a range of transition frameworks designed to address complex challenges and enable transformative change in diverse environments and contexts. By applying these frameworks, we help organizations navigate the complexities of change, taking into account social, environmental, and economic dimensions.
Small wins framework
One of our core approaches is the Small Wins framework, which emphasizes that transformative change can be achieved through the accumulation of small, incremental successes. This framework has been widely used to evaluate innovation policies and has proven effective in driving sustainable food transitions. As illustrated in the TEDx talk by Katrien Termeer, small wins provide a practical way to tackle large-scale challenges in manageable steps.
Multi-level perspective
Another essential framework is the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP), which explores the complex, layered structure of food and bio-based systems. This approach encourages moving beyond rational engineering to consider the inherent social tensions and struggles involved in system change. By adopting the MLP, stakeholders can better anticipate and accommodate the dynamics of evolving food systems. Reflexive Monitoring in Action is one of the approaches through which MLP can be made operational in transformative initiatives.
Resilience framework
In a world where disruptions are becoming the norm, the Resilience framework is increasingly important. Traditional transformation models often assume a controllable, predictable world, but resilience emphasizes transformability and robustness in the face of uncertainty. This framework helps guide transformations that are prepared to navigate disruptions and systemic shocks.
True cost accounting
WUR also offers expertise in True Cost Accounting, an approach that incorporates hidden environmental and social costs into decision-making. This allows for a more comprehensive understanding of sustainability impacts.
Finance frameworks
Similarly, our work on Finance frameworks addresses the interplay between public and private finance, exploring how financial systems can support sustainable transitions.