News articles about Circular fashion
Kim Poldner officially launched the Circular Fashion Lab® on September 4th with the opening of the exhibition 'Fashioning the Future: Innovating textile value chains'. On September 3rd - on the occasion of 100 years WUR, she dressed Louise Fresco in a circular ensemble. Both events generated some media attention of which you can find an overview here:
On 4 September, Louise Fresco wrote an article about her journey of creating the most circular dress in Dutch newspaper NRC (in Dutch): Rupsvriendelijke jurk met ananaspump.
On September 6, the WUR magazine Resource devoted its cover article to the work of the Circular Fashion Lab ®: Dirty laundry: Four ways of making the fashion industry more sustainable.
On September 8, Financieele Dagblad published Kim's vision on the opportunities of circularity for the fashion industry (in Dutch): Werkelijk duurzame mode
In September, the WUR alumni magazine Wageningen World published a cover story on circular fashion: Wearing fungus on your feet
On September 17, Kim was interviewed by national radio NPO about the future of fashion (in Dutch): De wereld van morgen: kleding van afval
On October 1, Trouw published an article on circular fashion (in Dutch): Geef verduurzaming een zetje: stel eens een vraag in een kledingwinkel
On November 7, an article was published in de Arnhemse Koerier (in Dutch): Kleding van vissenhuid of theebladeren