Online platform for reserving shared research facilities
For several years, the Shared Research Facilities department at Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has offered an online platform called ‘Booking’. This platform allows researchers to locate and utilise shared research equipment. It is designed to facilitate the use of shared research facilities by both internal and external users.
Oscar de Vos, Technical Project Leader of the platform, explains: "The platform is a sophisticated booking system for all research equipment, both within WUR and from partners willing to share their equipment or facilities. Users can easily view which devices are available and contact the administrators to gain access to the necessary expertise and arrange the use of the equipment."
Making research equipment accessible
"What we offer is a way to make the right research equipment accessible," says De Vos. "It allows researchers to use equipment without having to purchase it themselves, effectively expanding their own lab by taking advantage of shared facilities and expertise."
With more than 200 devices available to external users, and this number continuing to grow, the platform aims to raise awareness among researchers about the available equipment and facilities, enabling them to easily collaborate on research projects and exchange knowledge.
Promoting Knowledge Exchange
An excellent example is the collaboration involving X-ray tomography (XRT) at Wageningen Food & Biobased Research (WFBR). This device attracts researchers from various companies and research institutions who use it to study structures in both food and non-food materials through 3D scans similar to CT scans. WFBR's expertise can provide valuable insights for the analyses. Additionally, the device administrator can provide user training for operating the equipment.
Whether it's process-supporting equipment, preparation equipment like freeze dryers, or analytical equipment with software capabilities, by collectively providing access to research facilities and sharing knowledge, researchers can efficiently and effectively utilize equipment, thereby enhancing their research capabilities.
Clear agreements for shared use
Another example concerns the XRD (X-Ray Diffractometer) owned by Unilever, located on Wageningen Campus. This device has been made available for sharing by Unilever through Shared Research Facilities and can be reserved for use via the platform after alignment. Consequently, the XRD is accessible to other organisations, of course, under a proper user agreement with clear terms, conditions, and privacy and data policies. This ensures the device can be safely used by multiple parties, such as researchers from the university and other organisations, for example, on Wageningen Campus. One of these organisations making use of the XRD is Flora Food Group.
Ilse Gerrits, Research Assistant at WUR's Environmental Technology Chair Group, works as an operator for the XRD. She explains: ’I am appointed as an 'independent' operator of the device, enabling us to perform measurements for Flora Food Group using Unilever's equipment. Costs are paid per hour for the use of the device. The platform allows me as an operator, and also Unilever as the equipment provider, to easily track when the device is available and who is using it. Subsequently the costs are made transparent. This works very well for me as an operator and for Unilever, who makes the device available.’
Yanzhang Luo, Facility Manager of MAGNEFY (Magnetic Resonance Research Facility), also has experience with using the platform. MAGNEFY provides cost-effective access and support for training, operation, and interpretation of magnetic resonance techniques for groups within WUR, such as students, as well as for users outside WUR. Luo explains: ‘Groups commit to using the equipment. They can also clearly see in the system when the device is available or when maintenance is scheduled, providing users with up-to-date information on the availability of the device’.
Linking pin
The team of experts around 'Shared Research Facilities' at Wageningen University & Research acts as a linking pin between supply and demand, aiming to help researchers find the necessary equipment and facilities for their research projects.
In addition to the ability to book equipment, the platform will soon also provide information on the technical specifications and applications of the equipment, giving researchers a better understanding of how a device can be utilised in their own research. Additionally, providers of research equipment will have the option to choose whether they want to make their equipment visible only to WUR researchers or also to external stakeholders. This platform expansion is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
For more information about the online platform, contact sharedresearchfacilities@wur.nl, or visit the platform directly to browse the offerings.