Thesis subject
Optimizing agricultural management in view of surface water quality
The Environmental Systems Analysis Group provides the possibility for students to do their thesis in collaboration with our group. The topics mentioned below are part of a larger theme. Please feel free to contact Prof De Vries, Dr Ros or Ms Young MSc (right) for more information.
Possible theses:
Optimizing agricultural measures to improve surface water quality (nutrient concentrations) for different field properties and management strategies
The main objective of this thesis is to design a measurement catalogue with tailor-made measures that can be used on field, farm and regional level to improve the water quality regarding nutrient concentrations and assist farmers and policy makers by the selection of appropriate and effective measures.
- Creative data preparation and interpretation of agricultural fields, catchments and satellite information to study the main drivers controlling N and P concentrations in surface water (related to soil properties as well as the land management done);
- Focus on data collection, preparation and first statistical analysis via simple machine learning algorithms. Basic R programming skills required;
- Give site specific recommendations for best agricultural measures reducing N and P load;
- Test and evaluate this for one waterboard region in the Netherlands.
Optimizing agricultural measures to improve surface water quality (biodiversity) for different site properties
The main objective of this thesis is to design a measurement catalogue with tailor-made measures that can be used on field, farm and regional level to improve the water quality regarding aquatic biodiversity in surface waters and assist farmers and policy makers by the selection of appropriate and effective measures.
- Creative data preparation and interpretation of agricultural fields, catchments and satellite information to study the main drivers controlling the response of vegetation / food web / plant groups in surface water;
- Focus on data collection, preparation and first statistical analysis via simple machine learning algorithms. Basic R programming skills required;
- Give site specific recommendations for best agricultural measures reducing N and P load;
- Test and evaluate this for one waterboard region in the Netherlands.
Evaluating cost effectiveness of agronomic measures for water quality
The main objective of this thesis is to identify and quantify the main costs and benefits of a series of measures being implemented in the agricultural sector to reduce the nutrient losses to the surface and ground waters.
- Collect and evaluate costs and effectiveness of agricultural measures for reducing nutrient loading to surface water, and develop concepts / ideas to make site specific recommendations for optimum combinations of agronomic measures;
- Activities: Literature search, data collection en exploration and statistical analysis, reporting;
- Test and evaluate this for one or more regions in the Netherlands.