Q1 Alliances

Currently the Eindhoven, Wageningen, Utrecht University and UMC (EWUU) alliance is developing a roadmap for the AI working group. Central in the roadmap will be Trustworthy AI and is supported by efforts to develop an ELSA lab on AI for health and by an effort to develop ways to better deal with reusable data.

Wageningen UR will participate in the Agrifood Test and Experimentation Facility (TEF) as a satellite member. The Agrifood TEF will host testing and experimentation for AI in different locations in the Netherlands and is open to partners in Europe ranging from machinery manufacturers, sensor application and software developers.

Together with our partner TO2 institutes Wageningen Research is developing a proposal for a federated research infrastructure to be able to better (re)use data and models for answering research questions for large societal problems (climate change, nitrogen, North Sea safety).