Q1 Data Science Education

In February WDCC organized a workshop on Quantum Computing given by colleagues from Quantum Amsterdam. This was a follow-up of the Quantum Computing meet-up in November 2022. The presentations and some findings from the workshop are available.

A working group focusing on a new data science bachelor has been installed by the Executive Board to prepare an application for the new programme. The working group is currently consulting chairgroups, teachers, external consultancy bureaus to propose the first shape of the programme. On 18 April a large consultation meeting with more than 20 participants have been organized and led by the Dean of Education to collect the ideas and suggestions needed to shape the programme. The biggest challenges mentioned is the profile of the graduates, correct balance between data science and domain courses, impact on other WUR bachelor and master programmes, attraction of the new students. The workgroup is planning to submit the programme application to the ministry at the end of this calendar. You can also read a Resource article about WUR plans regarding the new programme.

Education Experience (part of ESA) and WDCC have organized interactive sessions for students and teachers to identify the bottlenecks and propose solutions to the process of learning data science and artificial intelligence skills during their study programmes. The sessions mainly focus on findability and usability of the right educational resources by different user groups.

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