Policy options for the food system – 4-6 September 2019, Wageningen, the Netherlands

Registration Joint OECD / Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality of the Netherlands meeting - Meeting of the OECD Food Chain Analysis Network

General information
Zip code and City*
Conference sessions

Please indicate in which session you would like to participate.


Special rates (€ 85,00 per night including breakfast, excluding € 2,00 tax p.p.p.n) have been obtained at Nol in’t Bosch in Wageningen.
Please contact the hotel directly for your booking. You can refer to the following number: NOL-F131002 and name of Dora Lakner.
Tel: 0317-319101 l Receptie <receptie@nolintbosch.nl>

Transportation from the hotel to the campus will be provided for on Wednesday 4 in the evening, Thursday 5 (morning and evening) and Friday 6 in the morning.