Seminar Series: Local policies & regulations for healthy and sustainable food environments

In order to avoid chronic diseases and advance global health, this program focuses on local policies and regulations for healthy and sustainable food environments. Five seminars will be organized to give a comprehensive overview of the research and societal activities around the local food environment. The interdisciplinarity of Wageningen Centre of Sustainable Governance (WCSG) is captured with presentations from several chair groups and additional outside speakers.


1. October 6, 2022 (12:30-13:30)

Kick-off: The role of food environments in prevention and public health
12:30 - How do food environments shape human health? A health science perspective Maartje Poelman, Associate professor CHL, Wageningen University & Research
12:45 - How do food environments affect human food choices? A psychological perspective Rachelle de Vries, Postdoctoral researcher Tilburg University; Lecturer, CHL, Wageningen University & Research
Why are local food environments important in the field of public health and sustainability?
13:00 - A systems approach for a healthy and sustainable food environments: findings from a regional case study in the Netherlands Tamika Wopereis, PhD-candidate, CHL, Wageningen University & Research & Regiodeal food Valley
13:15 - What can we learn from these insights? Knowledge gaps and perspective on the scientific work. Maud Hulshof, Alderman Wageningen

Recording: The role of food environments in prevention and public health

2. November 10, 2022 (12:30-13:30)

The role of food environments in prevention and public health Law, regulations and public procurement for local food environments
12:30 - Food procurement to encourage protein friendly environments: an EU and NL perspective dr. Hanna Schebesta, Associate Professor – Law Group, Wageningen University & Research
12:50 - Local regulations to limit unhealthy food outlets: a law perspective (online contribution) Hannah van Kolfschooten, Researcher and Lecturer - Law Centre for Health and Life, University of Amsterdam
13:10 - Food service procurement in public settings: examples, barriers and opportunities dr. Muriel Verain, Post-doctoral Researcher - Consumer Science, Wageningen Economic Research, Wageningen University & Research

Recording: The role of food environments in prevention and public health law, regulations and public procurement for local food environments

3. December 15, 2022 (12:30-13:30)

Local food environment policy integration and coordination
12:30 - Welcome Daniel Polman, Postdoctoral researcher, Wageningen University & Research
12:35 - Introduction Food policy integration Jeroen Candel, Associate Professor Food & Agricultural Policy, Wageningen University & Research
12:40 - Guest speaker Leon Meijer, Alderman Food, Ede
13:00 - Guest speaker Lara Sibbing, Food policy advisor, Lara Vita
13:20 - Q&A and closing Daniel Polman, Postdoctoral researcher, Wageningen University & Research

Recording: Local food environment policy integration and coordination

4. January 12, 2023 (12:30-13:30)

Local food environments in national and global perspective
12:30 - Welcome and short introduction
12:40 - Food Environments in international perspective: case studies from Asia and Eastern Europe Sigrid Wertheim-Heck, associate professor, Wageningen University & Research
13:00 - Strength of EU-level food environment policies and priority recommendations to create healthy food environments Sanne Djojosoeparto, PhD-candidate, Utrecht University
13:20 - Q&A and Closing

Recording:Local food environments in national and global perspective

5. February 16, 2023 (12:30-13:30)

“Government, stay away from our meatball!” – societal support and resistance for sustainable food transitions
12:30 - Welcome and short introduction Anke Brons, Postdoctoral researcher, Wageningen University & Research
12:40 - What are important elements in political and societal support and resistance for healthy and sustainable food? The role of resistance and populism in the societal transition towards reduced meat consumption, a key element of a sustainable food system transition. Yolie Michielsen, PhD candidate, Wageningen University & Research
13:20 - Q&A and Closing Anke Brons, Postdoctoral researcher, Wageningen University & Research

Recording: ''Government, stay away from our meatball!'' - societal support and resistance for sustainable food transitions

Live stream

To facilitate interaction, we sincerely encourage everyone to attend the seminar series in person at the Speakers Corner. Although there is no need to register, please arrive on time to guarantee a seat. If you are unable to attend in person you are able to watch the (live) recording. Please be advised that if you join us online, interaction is not possible; however, you can always send your questions to the presenters via e-mail.
On February 16 2023, starting at 12:20, the last scheduled live stream will be accessible on under "events".