SG - The Link Between Gender & the Climate Crisis – An Explorative Workshop
Workshop by Marjolein Quist & Fieke Rijke
In this workshop program manager Gender & Sustainable Economy Marjolein from the Dutch Gender Platform WO=MEN will explain the link between gender and climate change and why this is a topic we should care about. Next to this knowledge session we will explore various statements in an interactive setting and examine what you agree with and where you see yourself. We hope to bring some new light to this underexposed topic in climate change circles.
19:45 to 20:45, 21 May - Impulse
About Marjolein Quist and Fieke Rijke
Marjolein Quist (she/her) works at WO=MEN Dutch Gender Platform as the programme manager for Gender & Sustainable Economy. Together with women’s rights and development organisations, trade unions, feminist and human rights activists they advocate for gender equality globally. In her line of work she focuses on the linkages between climate change, our economic system and gender (in)equalities.

Fieke Rijke (she/her) is a second year WUR Master student in Governance of Sustainability Transformations (MMEE) where she focuses on what a just transformation entails and education, for example by doing her thesis research on sustainability education among highschoolers. She is currently interning at WO=MEN, Dutch Gender Platform and supports the working group Gender & Sustainable Economy.