WUR and support for Ukrainians
On Thursday 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. Millions of people fled. Some of them are already in, or are coming to, the Netherlands. Wageningen University & Research wants to help where it is possible and in line with our objectives. On this page we have collected the most important information on WUR and Ukraine.
We follow the developments in Ukraine on a daily basis with shock and horror. The invasion by the Russian army has left behind unprecedented scars. We are concerned, particularly about the situation of academics and students in the areas facing violence and siege. Read more about how WUR supports those who are (in)directly affected by the Russian invasion.
Are you an academic refugee affected by the war in Ukraine? Please use this button to request support from the WUR community.
What does WUR do for Ukrainian students who (want to) study in Wageningen?
What does WUR do for current students from Ukraine and Russia?
Is it possible for refugees from Ukraine to take courses at WUR?
Can refugees who have followed courses in the “WURth-while project” also enter the BSc or MSc programme?
Does WUR arrange accommodation for refugees who are going to take courses?
Can refugees who come here to follow courses borrow a laptop?
Can refugees from Ukraine also follow a regular BSc or MSc programme?
Refugees who would like to follow a regular BSc or MSc program can apply via the regular registration method: "How to apply for a bachelor's programme" and “How to apply for a master's programme?”
At present, no exceptions are made with regard to admission requirements for refugees from Ukraine compared to other students. The courses start in September. If a refugee wants to start attending lectures earlier, this can be done via the “WURth-while project”. For questions email ssc@wur.nl
Are grants made available by WUR for refugees from Ukraine?
Taking courses in “WURth-while project” is free. There are currently no specific scholarships available for refugees from Ukraine who want to complete a full education programme. WUR does have a limited number of scholarships available for students from conflict area (including Ukraine). We are still looking at whether special action should be taken by the Alumni Fund, as was done for students who ran into problems during the Corona crisis.
We are in consultation with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science about a national scholarship programme. We also submitted the question to the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science whether it is possible for refugees from Ukraine to pay the low statutory tuition fees. Unfortunately, the Foundation for Refugee Students UAF has no scholarships available because refugees from Ukraine are not seen as regular refugees.
Is it possible for (international) students from Ukraine to complete their studies here?
Does WUR provide housing for students from Ukraine?
Can WUR not make housing available for refugees?
Where can students from Ukraine go with questions about visas?
What does WUR do for Ukrainians who want to work at WUR?
On the initiative of chair groups or business units, a position may be created (temporarily) that can be filled by researchers/students/post-docs/technicians/guests from Ukraine or Russia. WUR is currently investigating how to bring offers and requests together. Employees with questions about this can go to the intranet for more information or contact their HR-advisor.
WUR registers open positions on Science for Ukraine and Academic Transfer.