Alumnus testimonial
Paula Meekel - Testimonial MSc Tourism, Society and Environment
My particular interest in business was always clear, BSc Tourism stimulated new interests to evolve.
Can you describe briefly who you are and what you are currently doing? Could you give an example of what you are working on? Or what you have worked on before the summer?
I am Paula, 23 years old and I just graduated from the MSc Business Administration (International Business track) from the University of Amsterdam. Despite the fact that I followed the entire master online (due to the Corona restrictions), I really enjoyed it. One particular advantage of this master is the ability to create your own programme due to nine different specialization tracks and a wide selection of elective courses. As such, I was able to combine my interests in international business, sustainability and inclusiveness.
Why did you decide to do this program as a follow-up on the BSc Tourism? How does your BSc Tourism-program relate to the program you are currently doing (e.g. minors, free-choice courses, etc.)? Have you doubted between multiple programmes? Which ones?
Growing up in an entrepreneurial family I always had a strong interest in the business world, however after high school I preferred to study a bachelor that covered more interests, hence my choice for BSc Tourism. During my minor I was able to fill in the gap of business-oriented courses, which confirmed that I wanted to pursue a master in this field. Moreover, this minor allowed me to meet the requirements of the master's application procedure.
Even though, my particular interest in business was always clear, BSc Tourism stimulated new interests to evolve. Because of that, I have doubted to follow a master’s in international development studies. After graduating from the MSc Business Administration, this doubt has not fully fade away, and therefore I decided to pursue a second master's in International Relations coming year.
How has the BSc Tourism helped prepare you for this master program?
As previously mentioned, the minor during my bachelor was fully focused on this field of interest. In addition, BSc Tourism offered business-oriented courses such as "Consumer Behaviour & Marketing Management" and "Organisational Behaviour & Business Management".
What do you do besides studying? Do you have a special interest or talent (e.g. part-time jobs, sports, hobbies, boards, etc.)? What do you think about the student-life?
I have always worked parttime throughout my studies. Currently I am working as a junior advisor Economic Affairs, Tourism and Recreation for two municipalities in the Netherlands. I started working this function after my exchange semester, because I felt a lack of professional experience (e.g., in the form of an internship). Before this I worked in a restaurant at Schiphol Airport. Hence, my parttime jobs have always been travel/tourism focused.
I have never been a member of a student association, but prior to COVID-19 I enjoyed going out a lot and experience the student night life. Moreover, I like to fitness and travel.
What are your future plans (e.g. thesis, internship, job prospects)?
As I said before, I doubted about what direction to go. Although I really liked the MSc Business Administration, I feel that by working in the corporate field I cannot fully pursue other interests (i.e., differences in global governance, (power) inequalities, sustainability, inclusiveness). Moreover, I would like to have another experience abroad before fully entering the job market. Therefore, I decided to follow a second master’s in international Relations in Barcelona. After this, I expect to know better what direction to go.
Do you have any advice for future graduates of the BSc Tourism on choosing a fitting master program?
When you are a first or second year BTO student, it might seem early to start thinking about a master program. However, I still recommend to already think about it. For instance, by visiting open days to different programs. As such, you can already find out what master seems interesting, and "test" whether you really like it by following a minor in that field.