Matching (Study Choice Check)

Study Choice Check (Matching)

What does matching entail when choosing a bachelor’s programme at Wageningen University? When choosing a study, it's important your choice is well-considered and that you have a good overview of the skills you need while studying at the university. In the Netherlands, a study choice check (questionnaire) is obligatory for future Dutch and international bachelor's students.

Online questionnaire

Anyone enrolling via Studielink for a Bachelor’s programme at Wageningen is required to complete an online matching questionnaire. The questionnaires, which differ across the different programmes, match your motivations with the nature and content of the programme.

From February onwards (after enrolling via Studielink) you will receive an invitation to complete the online matching test. .

Study advice

Once you have completed the online questionnaire, the department will issue you a matching recommendation. This will often be positive. For many years the drop-out rate at Wageningen University has been low compared with other universities, which shows that students have consciously chosen us. If you are having doubts about your motivations and opportunities at our University, we can give you tailored information and advice. We want to help everyone make the right choice.