BSc minor Animal Farming: Systems and Management (WUAFS)
The general aim of Animal Sciences is to study and optimize the functioning of animals with respect to their health, nutrition and welfare, their function for humans and their impact on the environment.
Continue to an overview of the courses in this minor
Courses in Animal Sciences typically deal with domestic animals such as farm animals, companion animals, zoo animals and various other groups of animals, including aquatic organisms at an 'over-species' level.
This BSc minor provides an introduction into the sustainability characteristics of various systems in which terrestrial or aquatic animals have to produce, as well as comprehensive knowledge on the quality of products of animal origin and the animal science disciplines reproduction and disease control. This BSc minor is a programme minor.
Learning outcomes
After successful completion of this minor students are expected to be able to:
- Compare and optimise animal farming systems, and to understand their development;
- understand and explain different types of animal diseases, pathogen transmissions and preventive measures;
- explain the physiological background of reproductive processes and fertility issues, and how these can be influenced by environmental and management factors;
- evaluate the various quality aspects of products of animal origin (eggs, fish, meat, etc.) and relate the quality of such products to animal farming circumstances.
Target group
This minor is interesting for WU-students of the BSc programmes:
- BAT Biosystems Engineering
- BBC Management and Consumer Studies
- BBI Biology
- BBN Forest and Nature Conservation
- BBT Biotechnology
- BGM Health and Society
- BLT Food Technology
- BML Molecular Life Sciences
- BPW Plant Sciences
- BVG Nutrition and Health
Assumed knowledge
Biology at VWO-level. Contact the minor coordinator before taking this minor.
Overlapping courses or content with
- BDW Animal Sciences
Second semester (period 4, 5 and 6)
Programme or thematic
Programme minor