BSc minor Earth and Biosphere (WUEAB)
This BSc minor is an introduction to earth sciences, including soil science, hydrology and meteorology. It focuses on the Earth's surface and the atmospheric boundary layer in which life can exist. It explains structures and patterns found and teaches the physical, chemical and biological processes within and between soil, water and atmosphere.
Continue to an overview of this minor
It also deals with the impact of human activities on the Earth and on the challenge how to manage and use soil, water and atmosphere as humanity's most important natural resources. The approaches are based on natural sciences and both process-oriented and spatially explicit. Laboratory and some field methods are exercised. This BSc minor helps in understanding the role of the abiotic environment in distribution and functioning of biota (including humans). If you are aiming for the MSc programme ‘Earth and Environment’, please e-mail to mee.msc@wur.nl.
NOTE: This minor contains a course with a maximum number of students participants. If you want to follow this minor as a "Bijvak or "exchange" student make sure you also choose an alternative course (and register this course in the form). That way you have an alternative if you cannot participate in this course. The information on if a course has a maximum number of participants can be found via the overview of the courses in the minor.
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this minor students are expected to be able to:
- understand processes operating on the Earth, and the resulting structures and patterns in and between soil, water and atmosphere;
- apply the methods that are used to describe and interpret phenomena occurring at or near the Earth's surface: data collection, analysis, simulation and modelling;
- apply the techniques that Earth scientists commonly use in the field and in the laboratory.
Target group
This minor is interesting for WU-students of the BSc programmes:
- BBI Biology
- BIL International Land and Water Management
- BES Environmental Sciences
- BPW Plant Sciences
- BBN Forest and Nature Conservation
- BLP Landscape Architecture and Planning
Also for students from other BSc programmes like Biology, Environmental Sciences, Civil Engineering, Natural Sciences.
Assumed knowledge
VWO-profile N&G and/or N&T, self-study package available.
Overlapping courses or content with
BBW Soil, water, Atmosphere
BBN-B Forest and Nature Conservation- major Ecology and Conservation
First semester (period 1, 2 and 3)
Programme or thematic
Programme minor