BSc minor Foods of Animal Origin (WUFAO)
The BSc minor Foods of Animal Origin focuses on topics which are important in consuming products of animal origin.
Continue to an overview of the courses in this minor
Meat- and milk products and nowadays also insects are the important sources of dietary protein. Quality systems and quality aspects of foods of animal origin are also part of this minor. Food related allergies and intolerances, in which products of animal origin are often a main factor, are also reviewed.
The BSc minor is developed for students from the bachelor programs Food Technology (BLT) and Animal Science (BDW), although other bachelor students can attend this minor too (BBT, BML, BVG, BAT, BPW, BBI, BMW, 'HBO' Food Technology and Veterinary Sciences).
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this minor students are expected to be able to:
- explain the major changes of a physical, (bio)chemical and microbiological nature that occur during storage and further processing of foods of animal origin;
- interpret the mechanisms of action of major food allergens causing adverse reactions;
- apply general food technological knowledge to foods of animal origin;
- assess the risks involved in using food raw materials containing potential allergens.
Target group
This minor is primarily interesting for WU-students of the BSc programmes:
- BDW Animal Sciences
- BLT Food Technology
- But also for other programmes, like:
- BBT Biotechnology
- BML Molecular Life Sciences
- BVG Nutrition and Health
- BBI Biology
- BMW Environmental Sciences
- BAT Biosystems Engineering
- BPW Plant Sciences
Also for students from “HBO” Food Technology and Veterinary Sciences.
First semester (period 1, 2 and 3)
Programme or thematic
Programme minor