BSc minor Innovation and Entrepreneurship (WUINE)
The BSc Minor Innovation and Entrepreneurship focuses on the value of knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurship in life sciences, environmental sciences and agriculture. Students will become familiar with the interplay between the production of science and technology and the commercialisation of academic knowledge and design.
Continue to an overview of the courses in this minor
Further, students will gain an in-depth understanding of the gaps between science and business and will be taught how to bridge these gaps. This minor offers the opportunity for a broad range of students, from the life sciences and from technological education programmes, to learn about the principles of innovation management and entrepreneurship.
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this BScminor students are expected to be able to:
- develop knowledge, mindset, and competencies necessary to become an entrepreneurial researcher, innovation manager, business entrepreneur, or innovation management consultant;
- identify opportunities and translate them into actions within and beyond their disciplinary field with an impact on societal challenges;
- develop and experience the iterative, uncertain entrepreneurial (learning) journey by generating ideas and by testing and validating them in practice;
- reflect on their entrepreneurial learning journey and gain a deeper understanding of how their entrepreneurial mindset impacts this journey;
- assess different types of innovation management practices in different organizations by applying different innovation management theories, tools, and techniques;
- understand the basics of intellectual property management in the process of science commercialization and knowledge valorization;
- plan a business model by describing the value creation and capture processes relevant for business ideas tackling societal challenges;
- understand good practices of organization’s innovation and entrepreneurship journeys in relation to the SDGs;
- critically assess the practice of managing science and technology at the individual, organizational, and system-level.
Target group
This minor is interesting for all WU BSc students, except for BBC students. The more specific target programmes for this minor are the BSc's in life science and technology.
Overlapping courses or content with
BBC Management and Consumer Studies
First semester (period 1, 2 and 3)
Programme or thematic
Thematic minor