BSc Minor Supply Chain Analytics
BSc Minor Supply Chain Analytics
Continue to an overview of the minor
This BSc minor deals with three dominant perspectives for the management of material flows and their transformation into final goods within supply chains, covering the entire journey from origin to destination. The courses offer an essential overview of concepts, analytical methods, and techniques from a logistical, economical, and information technology point of view to convert data into insights for decision support in supply chains. The minor consists of four compulsory courses (24 ects) in the periods 1 and 2 and one optional course of 6 ects in period 3.
Learning Outcomes
After successful completion of this minor students are expected to be able to:
- Understand and apply accounting & finance techniques
- Explain the fundamental concepts and theories for supply chain management from a logistics, business economics, and information technology point of view
- Recognize and apply the correct method for analyzing specific supply chain problems
- Solve and analyze small-scale business problems on the design and planning of goods and information flows in supply chains by applying relevant theories and methodologies
- Test the contribution of the considered theories, models, and concepts from the minor for decision support in (food) supply chains.
Target group
This minor intends to exploit the
Bachelor-Master (BAMA) structure. As part of a relevant and completed
bachelor’s degree (academic and/or applied sciences), the minor gives
unconditional access to the master study Sustainable Supply Chain Analytics at
This minor is interesting for WU-students of the BSc programmes:
- BBT Biotechnology
- BAS Animal Sciences
- BEB Economics and Governance
- BFT Food Technology
- BPW Plant Sciences
- BVG Nutrition and Health
- BAT Biosystems Engineering
The minor is also interesting for students from other academic BSc programmes who are interested in business analytics as well as students from applied universities (HBO) with a program in the domain of agriculture and food sciences, business studies/administration, engineering, or supply chain management.
Assumed Knowledge
Basic knowledge in mathematics and statistics at BSc-level.
First semester (period 1, 2 and 3)
Programme or thematic
Programme minor