Agri Indo Career Fair (online)

On Wednesday 30 October 2024, the first edition of the Agri Indo Career Fair takes place.

Date Wednesday, 30 October 2024
Time: 11:30-15:00 (NL)
18:30-22:00 (Indonesia)
Location: Online


Collaboration in research & education between Indonesia & WUR dates back to the early days of WUR’s foundation. Many Indonesian students find their way to Wageningen and WUR staff is involved with a large number of fundamental and applied research projects (+100 Indonesian students/year). Indonesian students coming via government funding (LPDP) will return and contribute back in their home country after their studies, or a year work experience abroad. International students are eager to gain internship experience and explore career opportunities in the Indonesian agri sector.


The aim of the event is to:

  1. Inform students/graduates about career opportunities in Indonesia
  2. Bridge students/graduates with internship and research opportunities in Indonesia
  3. Provide employers the opportunity to promote themselves and connect with interested students/graduates, including alumni of WUR.

Target groups

The Agri Indo Career Fair is targeted at:

  1. All students and graduates of WUR (expected 100-200 participants)
  2. Idonesian employers in agribusiness & research who have open positions (expected 15-20 organisations)


Time (NL) Time (Indonesia) Programme
11:30-12:00 18.30-19.00 Opening (by WUR, HA IPB NL & KBRI) and short intro about Indonesia
12:00-12:45 19.00-19.45 Session 1
12:45-13:30 19.45-20.30 Session 2
13:30-14:15 20.30-21.15 Session 3
14:15-15:00 21.15-22.00 Session 4


The event will take place online via MS Teams.


If you are interested in participating in this event, please contact us at Registration is open until 30 September.

Supported by

Education & Cultural Attache
Education & Cultural Attache

WUR Student Career Services
WUR Student Career Services

IPB University Alumni Diaspora
IPB University Alumni Diaspora