About the Career Day
The goal of our Career Day is to connect students with employers, providing a valuable opportunity to find internships and jobs. As a university with only one faculty Life Sciences and an excellent reputation, it is an opportunity for your organisation to meet young talent that matches your specific domain.
About the Career Day
The Career Day is hosted twice a year, in February and in October, with both editions following the same format/programme. The Career Days are open to all students and recents graduates and all study programmes of Wageningen University & Research. On average, 800-1,000 students participate in the Career Day.
Wageningen University & Research has an international focus, with many international students and PhD candidates who do not speak Dutch. In order to be of service for all our students and recent graduates, the working language during these Career Days is English (although an organisation can describe or explain that a certain level of Dutch language skills is necessary). Participating organisations are requested to provide their promotional material in English or bilingual Dutch and English.
About Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen Univesity excels in the domain of society and well-being, food, feed and bio-based production, natural resources and the living environment. Graduates of Wageningen University distinguish themselves through their multidisciplinary approach and their knowledge combined with practice, excellent intercultural communication skills and organisational talent. Our students have a strong international focus. The scientific quality of our university is affirmed by the prominent position we occupy in international rankings.
In the academic year 2020/2021 Wageningen University has a total of 13.275 students, which of 2.777 are international students. There are studying 6.936 master's students and 2.183 PhD candidates. The university has over 40 master's programmes. The PhD programme at the university is coordinated by six graduate schools.