Open over Depressiviteit - Foto: Linelle Deunk

OPEN UP about Depression

From 28 November to 28 December 2022, the multimedia outdoor exhibition "OPEN UP about depression" will be on display at the Market in Wageningen. On 30 life-size portraits, young people tell their personal stories.

With this project, foundation Open Mind - together with a large group of young experts by experience (18-35yrs) - makes the mental vulnerability of young people visible and open for conversation. An English translation is available by scanning the QR code on the photo panels.

One in Five...

One in five young people experience depression. And only a few people talk about it. Young people in particular find this difficult, even though talking can help prevent or alleviate depression.

Cover Fotokrant

The outdoor exhibition can be seen on the Markt in Wageningen; a central place where everyone comes for going out or to visit the weekly market.

Hopefully, the stories of those portrayed will offer starting points to talk about your own mental health, or that of friends, family or housemates.

Besides the exhibition, various activities will be organised in Wageningen. Activities for students can be found on this page.

Portraits online

Do you want to see the portraits (again) online and read and listen to the stories? View the online photo newspaper or download the English translations of the stories.

More info & Activities

Support by WUR

Gezondeboel (Healty Business)

Free online self help courses for WUR students. Some examples:

  • Feeling Gloomy
  • Loneliness
  • Balance
  • Mindfulness
  • Worrying

Student Training & Support

People looking at the exhibition

Activities for Students

2 dec | 18:30h | Thuis
OPEN about Depression - inspired by Christian and Muslim religious texts and cultures -More info
After a joint visit to the exhibition, we eat together and talk about depression against the background of culture and faith. What do Quran and Bible teach us about dealing with gloom?

(organised by Avicenna Muslim Students Wageningen & Spectrum SPC.

6 Dec | Retreat & Recharge - Spectrum SPC
Are you longing for some inner silence & reflection? During this evening, we meditate on an inspiring quote and share experiences. This time with a special focus on depression.

7 Dec | Workshop |
Tackle your Gloom
with Body & Mind

Talking helps when you are feeling down. But, listening also offers relief. When depressed or sad, you can listen to both your body and your mind. Both can help you cope.
In this workshop you experience how your body and mind can work as the management team of your wellbeing.

8 Dec | Mindfulness
– Spectrum SPC at WUR Campus
A jumble of thoughts in your head does not make you happier. On the contrary. Mindfulness teaches you to accept those thoughts and feelings without reacting. That can help you feel better. Come and give it a try.

8 & 15 Dec | 19:45h  
With Love, Me - Thuis Wageningen
Dear Self, - An Open Mic Night
Write a story or poem to yourself.
Join us on a journey of reflection, expression and perhaps your destination wil be acceptance.
Register for  8 Dec or 15 Dec.
(in English or Dutch)

29 Nov, 5 & 13 Dec | 18:00u
Film: Screening up the Dark
Thuis Wageningen presents 3 inspirational films that ignite your passion and positive energy.It is free and registration is not necessary.

  • 29 nov - It’s a wonderful life
  • 5 dec - The Darjeeling limited
  • 13 dec - Hector and the search for Happiness.

Wageningen Walks -
by Thuis Wageningen

29 Jan | 15:30h Grief & Writing
The loss of a friend or family member is very intense. You are feeling sad, angry, maybe even depressed.
Writing down and sharing your experiences can help you give these feelings a place. More info ...

Talk or Chat

  • Alles Oké? Supportlijn
    Are you feeling down? Are you worried about the future? At Alles Oké (Everything OK) you wll find a listening ear via chat, free and anonymous.

  • 113 - are you thinking of suicide?
    or are you worried about someone else? Call 0800-0113 (free from NL) or chat via completely anonymous and without judgement

  • .Substance Abuse | Addiction 
    Boozing on a night out (or to dull your pain or loneliness), playing endless games, spending hours on social media. Nothing wrong with that, right? Until you realize you can't live without it anymore. 
    Do the check or contact Iriszorg for information or help.
Poster How can you Talk about Mental Health?