Training and Workshop Overview
Below is an overview of the training courses, workshops and support groups offered & facilitated by Student Training & Support.
We encourage you to add your details to the interest list if a workshop or course is not currently scheduled. We will let you know as soon as new dates are available.
Training Courses & Workshops
- Learning to learn - Leren Leren (NL)
- Living with Pain - Leven met Pijn (NL)
- Vergroot je Mentale Veerkracht (NL)
- Expand your mental flexibility (EN)
- Fear of Failure - Dare to Succeed
- From Procrastination to Action!
- Get a grip on your studies (EN)
- Grief & Writing Workshop
- Introduction to Mindfulness
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
- Workshop Balancing Grief & Study
Student Support Groups
- Giftedness Groups
- No WURries - Student Support Group (monthly)
- Students Support Students
- Exam Study Weeks
More support
- Online Self Help - gezondeboel (FREE)
- Heart-to-Heart | Student Life Coach
- Peer Coaching
- Surf Your Stress
- Student Guidance - Find your Way
- Social Safety
Support offered by WUR
Wageningen In'to Languages
- Do you want to learn Dutch
- Language Courses
- English Tests
- Language Guideline
- Tailor-made courses
- Translation & Editing
- Communication
Wageningen Writing Lab
- Individual Writing Tutoring
- Improve your writing skills and develop new writing strategies
- Online Writing Retreats
Studium Generale
- Look beyond the limits of your discipline and develop yourself
- Calendar
- Open Mind Lab
International Student Associations and - groups

Student Training & Support is financed by the Quality Agreements

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