Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) [under construction]

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIPs) are short, intensive learning experiences that combine innovative teaching methods with online collaboration. Designed for students and/or staff from diverse backgrounds and academic levels, these programmes integrate short-term physical mobility abroad with compulsory virtual components to enhance learning outcomes.

Groups of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have the opportunity to jointly develop and organise short blended intensive programmes of learning, teaching and training for students and/or staff. In addition, BIPs can be open to students and staff from HEIs outside the partnership. They build capacity for developing and implementing innovative teaching and learning practices in the participating institutions.

Erasmus+ funding for BIPs consists of organisational support (for the coordinating HEI) and mobility support (for students/staff). Individual (mobility) support and, when applicable, travel support is provided to participants by their sending HEI. BIPs must follow Erasmus+ procedures.

Organising a BIP


In order to receive funding, BIPs should meet the eligibility criteria set by the European Commission:

  • The BIP should be developed and implemented by at least 3 HEIs awarded with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) and coming from at least 3 different Programme Countries. HEIs from third countries not associated with the Erasmus+ Programme can participate by sending participants at their own costs. These participants do not count towards the minimum number of participants that are required.
  • Within each BIP partnership there must be one coordinating HEI and receiving HEI and minimum two partner HEIs. A coordinating HEI can be a sending or receiving institution in a mobility activity. BIPs can be open to students and staff from sending HEIs outside the partnership, but the receiving HEI must be one of the partnership institutions.
  • The duration of the physical mobility must be between 5 and 30 days. No eligibility criteria have been set for the duration of the virtual component, but the combination of virtual and physical mobility should provide students with a minimum of 3 ECTS credits.
  • Eligible participants are:

    • Students registered at a HEI and enrolled in studies leading to a recognised degree or another recognised tertiary level qualification (including the level of doctorate).
    • Staff working at a HEI in one of the Programme Countries.
    • To receive funding, a BIP must have a minimum of 10 participants who will be travelling from the sending HEIs to the receiving HEI as part of an Erasmus+ funded physical mobility, not including teaching staff involved in the implementation of the BIP, and excluding participants (from the receiving HEI) who will not travel abroad. Important note: The BIP will only be financed if the minimum number of participants is met. Therefore, BIPs should be organised with a surplus of participants, as a certain percentage may cancel at the last minute.
    • Follow the Erasmus+ procedures and have all Erasmus+ paperwork (inter-institutional agreement, learning agreements, confirmation of stay, transcripts of records, grade conversion tables, full recognition of credits) in place.
  • Additional information for PhD candidates participating in BIPs:

    • PhD candidates who participate in a BIP are considered as students
    • PhD candidates with a teaching assignment in the BIP are eligible for an Erasmus+ staff mobility grant; however, as a result, they do not count as a participant of the BIP.

Application Procedure

If you are considering organising a BIP, please get in touch with our Exchange Team. All applicants interested in implementing a BIP project between September 2026 and July 2028 must submit their application form by February 1, 2026. The decision on whether the BIP project can proceed will be made by June 2026 after the allocation of Erasmus+ funds by Nuffic.

Application deadline Decision National Agency BIP must take place between:
1 February 2025 June 2025 September 2025 - July 2027
1 February 2026 June 2026 September 2026 - July 2028

Please note that there must be valid inter-institutional agreements between the cooperating HEIs. For confirmation, feel free to get in touch with us.

Additionally, ensure that your application aligns with the ECHE principles, focusing on:

  • Inclusion and diversity in the context of higher education mobility;
  • Environmental sustainability and green practices;
  • Digitalisation and digital education and skills.


When organising a BIP, WUR can take on the role of either the coordinator or partner. Typically, the coordinator acts as the receiving institution, while the partner serves as the sending institution. The funding differs based on the role assumed; the coordinator offers organisational support, whereas the partners contribute by providing individual support to their students and staff involved in the BIPs physical mobility activities.

  • WUR as coordinator

The coordinator of the BIP receives 400 EUR per participant for organisational support, with a minimum of 10 participants (i.e. a minimum of 4000 EUR for the programme as a whole), and up to a maximum amount of 8000 EUR. This means that funding is limited to 20 participants. Important note: If there are fewer than 10 participants, funding will not be available!

Organisational support for BIPs is intended to cover costs related to the preparation, design, development, implementation and follow-up of the programme and implementation of virtual/remote activities, as well as overall management and coordination.
Participants are not required to pay tuition or course fees. However, the organisers may charge fees for extracurricular activities, such as cultural visits, which are not directly related to, or relevant for the topic of the programme.

  • WUR as partner

If WUR is a partner in a BIP, individual Erasmus+ grants are available for both students and staff. See below at "Participating in a BIP as a student or staff member" for more information.

Good practices

The following good practices have emerged from previous BIP organisers:

  • Ensure a sufficient number of participants (from sending HEIs) in order to reach the minimum requirement, taking into account possible participant cancellations;
  • Target students who are hesitant to participate in long-term mobilities;
  • Encourage interdisciplinary and multinational teaching and training, and benefit from special learning and teaching conditions not available in a single institution;
  • Ensure multinational participation;
  • Allow members of the teaching staff to exchange views on teaching content, new curricula approaches, to test innovative teaching methods that could eventually become part of a newly devised joint course or curriculum in an international classroom environment;
  • Provide significantly new learning opportunities, skills development, access to information and to state-of-the art research results and other knowledge for the participating teachers and student/learners.

More guidance & inspiration


For general information please contact the Exchange Team

Participating in a BIP as a student or staff member

Participating as a student or PhD candidate

BIPs (min 5 days- max. 30 days) are open to all students, but are primarily intended for those who do not have the option to participate in long-term mobility (min. 60 days, max.12 months).

PhD candidates interested in going abroad to take part in a short-term study or traineeship activity, which is not a BIP, can also apply for a Doctoral mobility grant. For requirements and procedure please visit this site [under construction].

If you would like to participate in a BIP as a student/PhD candidate, please start by informing your study adviser/supervisor at least 2 months before the start of the BIP. If your study adviser/supervisor approves your participation in a BIP, you can proceed with sending us the required application documents. See below at "Application documents (before the start of the physical mobility)" for more information. The Exchange Office will guide you through the Erasmus+ grant application process.

Requirements to receive a short-term Erasmus+ grant:

  • There is a physical mobility period between 5 and 30 days;
  • There is a compulsory virtual component before, during and/or after the physical mobility period;
  • You will receive at least 3 ECTS for your participation in the BIP. These credits will be recognised in your academic programme;
  • You have not yet exceeded the maximum amount of 12 Erasmus+ grant months within the same study cycle (bachelor/master/PhD). This also includes Erasmus+ grant(s) you may have already received for long-term mobilities;
  • You do not receive an Erasmus+ grant for a long-term mobility during the BIP;
  • There is an existing inter-institutional agreement between WUR and the receiving institution.

Erasmus+ grant amount:

Your total Erasmus+ grant includes individual support and, if applicable, one or more top-ups:

BASIC Individual Support:

The amount of the Short-Term Erasmus+ grant depends on the duration of your stay abroad. Be aware that the grant is only available for the period that you spend at the receiving institution (so the physical mobility period). This period is confirmed by the institution organising the BIP. The virtual part is not included in the Erasmus+ grant.

The daily Individual Support is:

  • 5-14 days: 79 EUR per day
  • As of 15-30 days: 56 EUR per day


Fewer opportunities top-up: for (1) economic reasons and (2) studying with a disability or for medical reasons. If you think that you are eligible, please fill in the Declaration of Honour and send it to the Exchange Office.

  • A single contribution of 100 EUR (or 150 EUR if the duration of the physical mobility is 15-30 days).

Green travel top-up: For those who travel sustainably (bus, train, carpool, bike) both ways. Using an electric car only qualifies as sustainable travel if you carpool with fellow students.

  • Top-up of 50 EUR
  • Extra Individual Support for a maximum of 2 additional days to cover your travel days.

Application documents (before the start of the physical mobility):

  • Participation form

Your study adviser (for BSc/MSc students) or supervisor (for PhD candidates) needs to approve your participation in a BIP by signing our Participation form. Please send the completed and signed form, together with an official BIP (promotional) flyer, at least 6 weeks before the start date to

  • Grant Agreement (GA)

The document for BSc/MSc students can be downloaded here.

The document for PhD candidates can be downloaded here.

The GA is a contract between the student/PhD candidate and the Exchange Office. This document contains information about your exchange, financial matters, and all the rights and responsibilities involved.
For PhD candidates:
Since you don’t have a student number, use your WUR ID (login ID). Note, that the Erasmus+ grant is paid to your chair group. If you are employed by WUR, you will have access to systems such as MyExpense and Diversity Travel. If you do not have an employment contract with WUR, you will not have access to these systems, and the secretary's office can book the trip for you.

After completing the document, please sign on page 6, name it "GA BIP [Last name]" and send it to

  • Learning Agreement (LA)

The document can be downloaded here.

The LA is a contract between the student, the home university (=Exchange Office) and the receiving institution. The LA ideally needs to be sent to us one month prior to your departure, but no later than the start of your exchange period. Once the document is fully completed, signed by you and by the receiving institution, and named "LA BIP [Last name]", please send it to
Note that the Erasmus+ grant will only be paid once we have received all the required forms.

Upon return documents (after the physical mobility has ended)

  • Certificate of Attendance (CA)

The document can be downloaded here.

The CA needs to be completed, signed and stamped by the receiving institution and will be used to calculate the actual grant that you should receive for the exchange period. Please name the document: CA BIP [Last name] and send it to

  • Original Transcript of Records (TOR)

Do not forget to ask your receiving institution for a TOR before you return to the Netherlands. The courses on the TOR have to correspond with those on your Learning Agreement.

The original transcript from the receiving institution of your exchange has to be handed in as soon as it is available and has to be dated, signed and stamped, or digitally signed and secured.

The TOR can be handed in as follows:

  • You can come to the Exchange Office (Forum room 57D) and we will scan your hard copy;
  • Your receiving institution can send us a hard copy by post:

Study abroad office
Room 57D Forum (building 102)
Droevendaalsesteeg 2
P.O. Box 414
6708 PB Wageningen
The Netherlands

  • Academic Recognition Form (ARF) (only required for BSc/MSc students)

The document can be downloaded here.

The ARF is a form which we will send to the Examining Board in order to get your grades registered at WUR. The courses need to be the same as those on your Learning Agreement.

The ARF needs to be completed, named ARF BIP [Last name] and sent in word format to

  • Erasmus+ participant survey

You will need to fill in the Erasmus+ participant survey to provide feedback on your Erasmus+ Mobility period. You will receive an email from the European Commission with a link to this questionnaire after your exchange period has ended.

  • How to get your external grades registered in Osiris (only required for BSc/MSc students)

We will send your grades to the examining boards after we have received your ARF and TOR. They will convert your external credits and grades.

Enter the courses you wish to use in the Osiris PlanApp and submit for approval together with your “Electives Motivation Form”. For instructions please go to Osiris Student and select the PlanApp.

It will take 2-3 weeks until your grades are visible in Osiris. During the holidays this may take longer.

Erasmus+ grant payment

BSc/MSc: After we receive your participation form, signed GA and LA, 70% of the total Erasmus+ grant amount (as stated in your GA) will be deposited into your bank account within 30 days (but not earlier than 1 month prior to the mobility).

Once your mobility has ended, you must submit the required documents for your return (see above at 'Upon return documents (at the end of the physical mobility)' for more information). Once all the required documents have been processed, we will proceed with the payment of the remaining 30% of the Erasmus+ grant. If you fail to meet these conditions, you will be required to fully reimburse the financial support received.

PhD: The Erasmus+ grant will be fully paid at the end of the mobility, after we have received and processed all required upon return documents. The project number provided in your GA will be used for the payment.

Participating as a staff member

As a WUR employee, you can either be a participant or teacher in a BIP. Involvement as a participant is considered a training assignment (‘staff training mobility’), and participation as a teacher is considered a teaching assignment (‘staff teaching mobility’).

The conditions and application process are available on the website for Erasmus+ staff mobility.

Currently available BIPs

Be inspired by some of the existing BIP projects on our website. Please be aware that the overview of listed BIP projects here is limited.


For general information please contact the Exchange Office