Structure of the academic year
Courses at WU are taught in six periods. The academic year starts in September.
- Period 1, 2, 5 and 6 last 8 weeks and contain a study load of 12 ECTS credits.
- Period 3 and 4 last 4 weeks and contain a study load of 6 ECTS credits.
- Exams will be taken within the period the course is taught.
- There are 3 resit periods at Wageningen University, each academic year has one resit opportunity per course. The resit will be in either February, May or July, see the Study Handbook for scheduling details. If you need to resit for an exam please always inform your Exchange Coordinator in Wageningen. This because you need to be registered as a student at Wageningen University in order to be able to register for, and take, a resit.
- Periods are divided in weeks; weeks are identified with week numbers. The corresponding dates of these periods and week numbers can be found in the calendar of the academic year.
- No courses are offered during summer.
- Have a look at the academic calendar for all the exact dates.