Application Erasmus+ Grant Internship/Thesis
Apply for an Erasmus+ grant for your internship / thesis abroad (EU and a selected number of NON-EU destinations)
Are you planning to go abroad for your internship or thesis? Erasmus+ grants are available for all Erasmus+ programme countries (EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Serbia, Turkey, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia) as well as for a selected number of destinations outside the EU.
On this page you can find information about the Erasmus+ grant application process, including all the required documents.
Starting mid-September, we have switched to processing Erasmus+ grant applications in Osiris (see instructions below). However, if you have already started your Erasmus+ grant application by sending us the required documents via email, please continue to do so!
Please note:
- Your grant application needs to be finished before departure, meaning all documents need to be submitted and approved in Osiris Student.
- Please complete all forms on a computer. Handwritten forms are not accepted.
- Already been on exchange? Please have a look at our requirements. During a study cycle (BSc or MSc), students can receive an Erasmus+ grant for a maximum of 12 months in total.
- Going abroad for your thesis? If you were nominated for an exchange period at one of our partner universities by our exchange coordinators, you need to proceed with the Erasmus+ grant application for study. If not, please proceed with the process as described on this page.
How to apply for the Erasmus+ grant
1. Internship/Thesis Learning Agreement
Before you can start your Erasmus+ grant application in Osiris Student, you will need to have a finished internship/thesis learning agreement. This is an agreement between you and your WUR supervisor (not to be confused with the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement, see step 3). Instructions on how to start your internship/thesis learning agreement in Osiris can be found here.
While working on your internship/thesis learning agreement, you can already start preparing the other required documents as explained in step 2 and 3. Once your internship/thesis learning agreement is approved, the option to apply for the Erasmus+ grant will appear (see step 4, and note that this might take 1 or 2 days).
Note for BSc students: instead of creating an internship/thesis learning agreement in Osiris, which applies to MSc students only, you will need to have a signed (by your WUR supervisor) internship contract. Please send us an email at studentexchange@wur.nl with your internship contract attached, and we will then make sure that you can start your Erasmus+ grant application in Osiris.
2. Online Linguistic Support (OLS) Placement Test
The OLS Placement Test is a language test, which we highly recommend doing. You will be asked to upload your OLS Placement Test result as part of your grant application, unless the main language at the receiving organisation is your native language.
The OLS platform is accessible via EU Academy (europa.eu). We made this guide to help you create an account, log-in and take your OLS test. The platform also provides access to other language tests and courses.
After taking the OLS test, you can either make a screenshot of the page showcasing your result and your name and save it as a pdf file or download the OLS Certificate.

3. Erasmus+ Learning Agreement (LA)
The Erasmus+ Learning Agreement is a contract between student, home university (= Exchange Office) and receiving organisation (= your supervisor at the organisation where you are going to do your internship/thesis), and needs to be signed by all three parties.
You will be asked to upload your Erasmus+ Learning Agreement as part of your grant application in Osiris Student.
1. Download the Erasmus+ Learning Agreement here:
Learning Agreement Internship/Thesis 2024-2025.
2. Fill in the general information and the 'Before the mobility' part (table A, B, and C).
3. Helpful guidelines when filling in the LA:
- For Field of education, you can use the ISCED Code list. If you are a BSc student, select the MSc code which is related to your BSc programme.
- Make sure to fill in the full address as well as the website of the receiving organisation.
- Make sure the start and end date of your stay abroad are the same on all documents, and in your grant application!
- The minimum number of working hours per week is 35 hours, the maximum is 40 hours (full time).
- For main language of work, choose the language in which you will mainly communicate at the receiving organisation; for most students this will be English. Use the result of your OLS test (see above) to determine your level of language competence.
- Make sure to fill in the ECTS credits you will receive for completing the internship/thesis.
4. Sign the document and send it to the receiving organisation for their signature.
5. We will check and sign the LA once you have uploaded the document as part of your grant application in Osiris Student (see step 4).
4. Grant application
You can now start your Erasmus+ grant application in Osiris Student.
1. Click on the globe icon in the menu on the left side of the screen in order to go to your stay abroad requests.
2. Select the approved stay abroad request for your internship/thesis. On the tab Further actions, click on Erasmus+ grant. This will start your grant application.

3. Helpful guidelines when filling in the grant application:
- All documents have to be uploaded in pdf format.
- Make sure to update the start and end date, and to use the same dates as filled in on your Learning Agreement! The dates should be the first and last day that you are actually working at the receiving organisation. Do not enter travel, weekend or vacation days as your start/end date.
- Select the main language of instruction (in most cases this will be English), and, if this is not your native language, upload your OLS Placement Test result (see above).
- Students going to one of the Erasmus+ programme countries can apply for a Fewer Opportunities (previously Inclusion) Top-Up (check here to see if you are eligible). You will have to upload the Declaration of Honour form AND either upload the "aanvullende beurs" document from DUO OR give us permission to contact the Student Deans.
- If you are planning to travel sustainable both ways, you are eligible to receive the Green Travel Top-Up. In your grant application, you can already indicate the way you are planning to travel to and from your exchange destination. Please note that, if eligible, you will receive the Green Travel Top-Up together with your second payment, after you have uploaded proof of your travels as part of the upon return process.
- Upload your Erasmus+ Learning Agreement (see above). Make sure the document is signed by both you and your supervisor at the receiving organisation.
4. Make sure to click Submit once you have completed the application!

5. Travel registration
Wageningen University requires students to register their stay abroad in Osiris, so that we can assist you in case of an emergency. For more information, please have a look at the following websites: Preparation for travel abroad and Travel policy for students.
Instructions on how to register can be found here. When registered, you are covered by the collective travel insurance of WU. After you have submitted your grant application, we will check if you have completed your travel registration before we continue with your application.
6. Grant Agreement (GA)
Once all the above mentioned documents are submitted and approved, ideally one month before the start of your stay abroad, you will receive your Grant Agreement (GA) via email. The GA is a contract between student and Exchange Office. This document will contain the information you provided in your grant application as well as information about the grant amount you will be receiving (note that the grant amount does not include the WU travel allowance, since this is paid by WU, not the Erasmus+ programme).
After checking the GA, please sign (make sure to write down the place and date of signing as well!) and upload the document in your grant application in Osiris Student.
7. Payment
Once your grant application is finished, meaning you have uploaded your signed Grant Agreement, you will receive the first payment of the Erasmus+ grant. The first payment is 70% of the total grant amount (this will include 70% of the Fewer Opportunities Top-Up if requested and approved, but not the Green Travel Top-Up). Together with the first payment, you will automatically receive the WU travel allowance (if going to an EU destination).
You will receive the remaining 30% of the grant amount (including the Green Travel Top-Up if requested and approved) once your upon return documents (see below) have been submitted and approved. Keep in mind that your grant amount might be adjusted if you ended up staying shorter than originally anticipated.
8. Important notes
- Make sure to submit your grant application (including all required documents) before your stay abroad! Applications submitted after the start of your internship/thesis abroad will not be accepted at all.
- You can find all your uploaded documents, as well as documents signed by us, in Osiris Student. Go to My Documents, by clicking on your picture at the top right of your screen and then on My Details.
- For questions concerning the Erasmus+ grant, please contact the Erasmus+ Administrators via studentexchange@wur.nl.
- For other questions regarding your internship/thesis, please contact your WU supervisor or internship coordinator.
- Please note that the information on this page is subject to change. No rights may be derived from this information.