Erasmus+ Partner Universities in Turkey
Istanbul Technical University
Istanbul Technical University, which is approaching its 250th anniversary, is one of the oldest technical universities in the world and was established with the name of “Mühendishane-i Bahr-i Hümayun” by Sultan Mustafa the Third. ITU, the first technical university in Turkey, is identified with its engineering and architectural education.
Izmir University of Economics
Get ready for an unforgettable university experience on our entertaining, dynamic, and lively campus as you excel with the strong academic infrastructure of the University. Here, a great life awaits you in which you will build strong friendships, create unforgettable moments, and wish it never ends.
Sabanci University
With science, technology, and social structures advancing day by day, the world needs more qualified individuals who possess the knowledge and skills required to pursue a career anywhere in the world. Aware of this pressing issue, in 1994 the Sabancı Group decided to establish a "world university" led by the Sabancı Foundation. Instead of choosing one university as a template or replicating existing examples and institutions, a new and unique university was designed. Since 1999, when students began enrolling, Sabancı University itself has set an example for many universities.