Step 1: Orientation for study exchange
Do I need to pay extra tuition fee when I want to go study abroad?
If you are considering to spend a part of your study programme at another university abroad you could take part of the student exchange programme that Wageningen University offers. By making use student exchange programme you don’t have to pay extra tuition fees besides the annual tuition fees to WUR. You can study up to 1 year at one of our student exchange partner universities. The courses that you follow at the other university are transferred into your study programme, this way you can follow your optional courses abroad without having a study delay.
When you have been selected and nominated for study exchange, it is possible to apply for Erasmus+ Grant (financial support).
Do I fulfill the requirements?
To participate in an exchange programme for study and to apply for an Erasmus+ grant, you need to fulfil the following requirements:
- You are registered as a full time student at Wageningen University (nationality is not of influence!).
If you are a BSc student:
- You have successfully passed 60 ECTS of your current study programme before applying for the exchange.
- We recommend that, before the start of your exchange period, you have successfully passed a minimum of 90 ECTS (in some cases 120 ECTS depending on the selected courses). This to help ensure a maximum academic learning experience during the exchange.
- If you are an MSc student, there are no requirements concerning the number of ECTS you have passed.
Additional requirement for exchange outside EU
- Grade point average (GPA) minimum 7.0.
Sort out the options
On the Partner Universities page you can find an overview and more information of all universities we have an agreement with (which includes a tuition fee waiver), for example fact sheets and website links. On this page you can also find a link to an overview of courses that students have followed within the Erasmus+ programme.
It is not possible to go on exchange to a non-partner university. If Wageningen University or your field of study does not have an agreement with the university of your choice, you will have to organise your study abroad plans by yourself. In most cases students have to pay fees to the guest university.
Get inspired
In fall workshops are given by exchange coordinators at most BSc programmes. Please contact your study advisor for the exact date. There are more things you can do to get inspired:
- Talk to fellow students and teachers
- Contact incoming exchange students through ESN or ISOW
- On WURgoesabroad you can find surveys from students from WUR who have been on study exchange. The survey contains information about the university, the courses, leisure time, the culture, travelling and housing.
- Check Facebook and Instagram @studyabroadwur for inspiration for study exchange.
- www.wilweg.nl gives study abroad information from NUFFIC (the Dutch organization for international cooperation in higher education)