Teaching/Training Abroad for WUR Staff
Through the Erasmus+ programme funded by the European Union, Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has funding available for staff mobility.
It is important to distinguish between: staff teaching and staff training, both in Erasmus+ programme countries.
The objective of the mobility grant is to enhance international exchanges for members of staff. All employees (academic and technical/administrative) of WUR can apply for Erasmus+ staff mobility funding. Grants are available on a first-come, first-served basis and until the staff mobility budget has been exhausted. Note that they are a compensation rather than a full coverage of costs. You are not allowed to receive an Erasmus+ grant for activities that already receive support from another EU cooperation programme or project. Also note that EU institutions and organisations are excluded as hosts of staff mobility activities.
PhD candidates interested in a mobility can find more information here. [under construction]
Academic staff interested in going abroad to teach can apply for a staff teaching mobility grant. The grant is not transferred directly to the participant, but to his/her department after the mobility has taken place.
- You have an employment relationship with WUR;
- You will arrange the teaching days at the host institution yourself. Content, scope and dates of the staff teaching assignment must be agreed upon in advance with the partner university;
- Minimum of 8 teaching hours per week (if the mobility is shorter than one week, 8 teaching hours still applies);
- There is an Inter-Institutional Erasmus+ Agreement for Exchange between WUR and the university you are planning to teach at. These partner universities are holders of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). You will find a full list of all of our partner universities for exchange here. Note that not all of our agreements include staff teaching. To find out whether your anticipated destination would be eligible for a staff teaching mobility grant, please fill in our form below (see Step 1 under Procedure). If the university you would like to teach at is not listed as a partner university on our website, it will not be possible to receive a staff teaching mobility grant. Please consider a staff training mobility in that case. Note that we do not establish new exchange agreements for the sole purpose of staff teaching;
- Duration: between 2 and 60 days (excluding travel days). Normally, support is given for up to 1 week. Longer stays must be justified specifically and have a reduced daily grant amount after the 14th day to 70% of the grant amount;
- Please note that the start date is the first day you need to be present at the receiving organisation (first day teaching/training). And the end date is the last day you need to be present at the receiving organisation (last day teaching/training).
- You can receive funding for up to 2 travel days; these days will be added to the duration of your stay abroad, but only if the travel dates are before and/or after the start and end date of the mobility period.
- Your supervisor must approve your stay and give you travel permission. Please also make sure to discuss with your supervisor how your mobility will be recognised.
Step 1
Fill in our form to find out whether your anticipated destination would be eligible for Erasmus+ funding for staff teaching.
Step 2
Once you have arranged your staff teaching mobility you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant. Prior to (at least one month before) your departure, you will need to hand in the following two documents:
- Staff Mobility Agreement (SMA): Fill in and sign yourself, have both the receiving partner university and your supervisor sign, and then send to studentexchange@wur.nl for final approval from the Exchange Office. For help see the document How to fill in the Staff Mobility Agreement_teaching
- Grant Agreement (GA): Fill in and sign yourself, then send to studentexchange@wur.nl for the final approval from the Exchange Office. For help see the document How to fill in the Grant Agreement
Step 3
You need to hand in the following document after your mobility:
- Certificate of Attendance: The receiving partner university needs to sign this document at the end of your mobility. You can then send it to studentexchange@wur.nl
Step 4
After your mobility you will receive an e-mail with a link to fill in an EU report (survey). This is obligatory.
Step 5
The Erasmus+ grant is paid once step 3 and 4 have been successfully completed. The project number that you filled in on the GA will be used to do so.
Academic and support staff interested in going abroad to take part in a training activity can apply for a staff training mobility grant. The Erasmus+ grant is not transferred directly to the participant, but to his/herdepartment after the mobility.
- You have an employment relationship with WUR;
- The training must be relevant to your day-to-day work;
- In order to participate you will need to arrange the training days at the host institution yourself. Staff mobility can include, for example, the following: job-shadowing, tutorials, seminars, workshops, research supervision of students, own research activities, promoting or monitoring of Erasmus+ mobility, participation in Staff Training Weeks, monitoring of Erasmus+ cooperation projects. IMPORTANT: Participation in conferences is not eligible for funding through an Erasmus+ mobility grant;
- The mobility can take place at higher education institutions and organisations (e.g. businesses, public bodies, social partners, research institutes and non-government organisations) within Erasmus+ programme countries. To find out whether your anticipated destination would be eligible for funding, please fill in our form below (see Step 1 under Procedure);
- In the case of staff training mobility, there is no need for an Inter-Institutional Erasmus+ Agreement between WUR and the university you are planning to visit, however, the higher education institution needs to be a holder of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE);
- Duration: between 2 and 60 days (excluding travel days). Normally, support is given for up to 1 week. Longer stays must be justified specifically and have a reduced daily grant amount after the 14th day to 70% of the grant amount;
- Please note that the start date is the first day you need to be present at the receiving organisation (first day teaching/training). And the end date is the last day you need to be present at the receiving organisation (last day teaching/training).
- You can receive funding for up to 2 travel days; these days will be added to the duration of your stay abroad, but only if the travel dates are before and/or after the start and end date of the mobility period.
- Your supervisor must approve your stay and give you travel permission. Please also make sure to discuss with your supervisor how your mobility will be recognised.
Step 1
Fill in our form to find out whether your anticipated destination would be eligible for Erasmus+ funding for staff training.
Step 2
Once you have arranged your staff training mobility you can apply for an Erasmus+ grant. Prior to (at least one month before) your departure, you will need to hand in the following two documents:
- Staff Mobility Agreement (SMA): Fill in and sign yourself, have both the receiving organisation and your supervisor sign, and then send to studentexchange@wur.nl for final approval from the Exchange Office. For help see the document How to fill in the Staff Mobility Agreement
- Grant Agreement (GA): Fill in and sign yourself then send to studentexchange@wur.nl for final approval from the Exchange Office. For help see the document How to fill in the Grant Agreement
Step 3
You need to hand in the following document after your mobility.
- Certificate of Attendance: The receiving organisationn needs to sign the document at the end of your mobility. You can then send it to studentexchange@wur.nl
Step 4
After your mobility, you will receive an e-mail with a link to fill in an EU report (survey). This is obligatory.
Step 5
The Erasmus+ grant is paid once step 3 and 4 have been successfully completed. The project number that you filled in on the GA will be used to do so.
Grant Amounts
Green Travel Funding
Take a train or bus to your destination and the Erasmus+ Programme provides higher travel allowances (see the Grant amounts table).
In line with WUR’s travel policy we ask you to consider whether your trip is really necessary; whether video or e-conferencing is an option; and whether smart travel (combining different goals during the trip, possibly also on behalf of colleagues) is possible. Additionally, we encourage you to use low-carbon alternatives to short-haul flights. The train should be used for destinations that are up to a 6 to 8 hour range of travel-time by train.
The Erasmus+ Programme strives to reduce the CO2 footprint of its participants by encouraging modes of ‘more green’ travel. This through making a Green Travel top-up available to its participants. Are you travelling to AND from your mobility destination by train, carpooling or by bus? Then make sure you apply for the top-up!
- You are travelling to AND from your destination by bicycle, train, bus or carpooling (shared car, travelling with co-workers, but not with family members for vacation purpose before or after the mobility);
- The distance band to your destination is 100 - 3999 km
Send proof of your Green Travel (for example a bus/train ticket, both ways!) to studentexchange@wur.nl together with the required documents as stated in the above procedure for staff teaching or -training.