Course on Aquatic Effect Assessment of Plant Protection Products
Do you want to apply existing guidance and new approaches in environmental risk assessment related to the authorization of plant protection products? This advanced course focuses on aquatic effects using the latest and newest available guidance and will also address new approaches for mixture toxicity, cumulative risk assessment, modelling and the calibration of the tiered effect assessment approach. During the course attention will be paid to developments and current discussions in the field of authorization of plant protection products.
For a full course package, with a combination of lectures, hands-on assignments and an excursion, we invite you to follow the course on campus. If you prefer an online edition, you are welcome to sign up to attend live lectures online. Please find more information below.
This course is not open for registration.
You can already show your interest.
This course is supported by Fraunhofer Institute IME.
Why follow this course?
After successfully attending this advanced course you will have deepened and actualized your expertise level on all topics included in the programme. You have learned and applied new approaches and are aware of current discussions in the authorization landscape.
Programme & topics - on campus
A hands on training by the combination of lectures, exercises and discussions for Tier 1 up to Tier 4, enriched with new topics as mixture toxicity, cumulative risk assessment and the calibration of the tiered effect assessment approach as well as current discussions in the field of authorization of plant protection products and biodiversity protection.
In this course we focus on aquatic effect assessment and the linking of exposure to effects, including:
• Issues in each of the tiers
• Geomean approach
• Species sensitive distributions
• Micro – and mesocosm studies
• Realistic worse-case exposure profiles
• Statistical power
• Recovery option
• Refined Exposure testing and TK/TD modelling
• Mixture toxicity and cumulative risk assessment
• Calibrating the tiered effect assessment approach and consistency of the tiered approach
• Population modelling and landscape level risk assessment (future outlook)
• Excursion to the experimental field station
Programme & topics - online
Attending online lectures and discussions for Tier 1 up to Tier 4 enriched with new topics as mixture toxicity, cumulative risk assessment and the calibration of the tiered effect assessment and the calibration of the tiered effect assessment approach as well as current discussions in the field of authorization of plant protection products and biodiversity protection. All topics mentioned for the on campus programme are also available in the online edition. But please note that the hands-on and tutoring by the course instructors are not included in the online course.
Is this course for you?
This course aims at professionals using guidance for the authorization of plant protection products: regulators working for admission authorities who apply the guidance for their dossier evaluations; consultants and business representatives working for industry and/or consulting agencies who apply the guidance for dossiers (evaluation, preparation and submission); scientists performing lower and higher tier research (experimental and modelling), applying the latest and newest available guidance.
This course is an advanced course and handles aquatic effect assessment at the applied level. We ask at least a Bachelor degree or similar level in natural sciences and in-depth experience with the Tiered approach for effects on the aquatic ecosystem.
Practical information
On campus edition
€ 1,950 per person, free of VAT. Including tuition, access to the online learning environment BrightSpace, coffee/tea, lunches, welcome drinks, 2 dinners and transportation between campus and hotel.
Between 10 and 30 participants in class.
Based on your attendance you will receive a certificate at the end of the programme and one SETAC credit.
1 ECTS only for SETA CRA continued education. Learn more about the SETAC CRA continued education
Online edition
€ 850 per person, free of VAT. Including the invitation to attend live lectures via MS Teams and the possibility to ask questions in the chat. Live lectures will be recorded and online learners will have access to the recording until March 19. Hands-on and supervision by the course instructors is not included in the online course.