FAQ about online exams
Do you have a question about online exams of the online master's programmes? Here you can find the frequently asked questions.
Do I have to come to Wageningen for the exams?
No, you do not have to come to Wageningen for exams. All exams are online.
When are the exams?
The exams take place at the end of each course. You have to start the exam within a given time frame tailored to the time zones where the students come from. We will announce exam dates and any specific exam information at the start of each course. A typical exam takes about 2 hours.
What happens if I fail a course?
You can do a re-exam in the re-exam weeks in January or February and in August.
What is a proctored exam?
A proctored exam is an online exam that is closely monitored to ensure the quality of the exam.
First, you log in to the exam and you’re guided through a technical check to make sure your visual and audio systems are working properly. During the next step you verify your identity, showing your ID to the webcam. With your webcam you scan the room to make sure you are alone in the room and there are no materials in the room that are not allowed (such as text books). Your screen is recorded during the exam, to make sure only allowed resources are consulted. The recordings of the exam are reviewed by certified proctors and when necessary also by the teachers of the course.
Do I have to do the exam on a given day and time?
You have to start the exam within a given time frame tailored to the time zones where the students come from. We will announce exam dates and any specific exam information at the start of each course.
What happens if I cannot make the exam on the exam date, can I do it another day?
You can do a re-exam in the re-exam weeks in January or February and in August.