Wageningen School of Social Sciences
The mission of WASS is to understand social processes with regard to today’s global challenges of disparities and poverty, of responsible production and consumption, of natural resource use and the environment, as well as of knowledge in society.
Machine Learning for socio-economic time series and panel data using Python - 4 ECTS
How to Design an Ethnographic Project - 1.2 ECTS
WASS Introduction Course 2025
Visual Research Methods - 2 ECTS
From topic to proposal: Getting started – 2 ECTS
Critical Tourism Studies - 3 ECTS
Political Ecologies of the Countryside: agrarian roots, environmental transformations and capitalist conflicts - 4 ECTS
Economics of Farm Households - 1 ECTS
Environmental and Resource Economics – Module: Sustainability Applications of Behavioral Economics
Conservation Research and Practice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives - 4 ECTS