Education Committee
The Education Committee advises the board on matters concerning the content and format of the PhD and postdoc training and education programme, as well as on specific issues related to the PhD programme (such as progress monitoring, stress reduction, career management, etc.)
Specific tasks of the Education Committee:
- guard the quality, content and format of the WIMEK PhD and postdoc training and education programme
- support PhDs and postdocs in their development towards having a broad set of skills and competences upon graduation
- determine what the demands, needs and the new opportunities are for new training and education directions
- assess if and how the overall support of PhDs and postdocs can be improved
- report on past activities and future plans to the WIMEK director yearly
The WIMEK Education committee consists of 3 scientific staff members, 3 PhD candidates and 2 postdocs.
The WIMEK PhD coordinator and the Education committee secretary are advisors and policy makers of the committee. They determine the agenda for the meeting together with the chair of committee and the WIMEK PhD council.
The committee meets at least two times a year.
The committee members welcome input on new ideas, suggestions for improvement and general concerns surrounding PhD support.
We are looking for two PhD members for this committee
Are you enthusiastic about contributing to the educational goals of the graduate school? Please send an email with a short motivation and CV to This position should be combined with a position in the WIMEK PhD council in order to really represent the WIMEK PhD community.
Members of the Education Committee
dr. CM (Caroline) Plugge
Chair, Associate professor Microbiology -
dr. M (Mathilde) Hagens
Assistant professor Soil Chemistry and Chemical Soil Quality -
dr. ABG (Annette) Janssen
Postdoc Water Systems and Global Change -
dr. RI (Rúna) Magnússon
PhD candidate Plant Ecology and Nature Conservation -
PC (Peter) Schaap MSc BA
PhD candidate Soil Physics and Land Management - BJM (Bas) van Vliet
Associate professor Environmental Policy - PJ (Peter) Vermeulen
PhD eduction coordinator