General Board
The WIMEK Board is responsible for the functioning and performance of the Graduate School. The Board decides on the strategy and policy and is in charge of the main decisions of WIMEK. The Director and the Executive Secretary prepare and attend the meetings of the Board and so does a representative of the PhD candidates.
The PhD respresentative is a rotating member of the WIMEK PhD Council.
prof.dr. MC (Maarten) Krol
Chair and Cluster Climate, Water and Society -
prof.dr. CJ (Coen) Ritsema
Cluster Soil Sciences -
prof.dr. DZ (Diana) Machado de Sousa
Cluster Environmental Technology and Microbiology -
prof.dr. MM (Martha) Bakker
Cluster Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning -
prof.dr. SR (Simon) Bush
Environmental Policy Group -
JL (Jeanne) Nel PhD
Wageningen Environmental Research