Data Management Plan

WIMEK attaches great importance to well managed research data.

The WUR data policy requires all PhD candidates to write a data management plan. Additionally, within the project proposal of WIMEK a data management section is present, which is related to the more detailed data management plan.

The submission and approval of a Data Management Plan is required for all PhD candidates who are registered after the introduction of Hora Finita.

Requirements and guidance

At Wageningen University, all expertise in relation to Data Management support is represented at the Data Management Support Hub. Here, you can find information on a wide range of topics like data management planning, managing your source code and publishing your final data. Data Management Support also offers a course on data management planning.

Data management course


Instructions for submission / review a DMP in Hora Finita

Instructions about the submission/review of a Data Management Plan in Hora Finita you can find on WUR intranet:

For PhD candidates:

For supervisors: