Diploma application @WIMEK
All WIMEK PhD candidates who have fullfilled the WIMEK education programme successfully and have an approved PhD thesis, will be granted a diploma for specialised PhD training.
PhD candidates can apply for the diploma at least 15 weeks before the proposed defence date. You can do this by:
- Completing the diploma application form and sending it to SENSE@wur.nl
- Currently the portfolio option in Hora Finita is being updated, please do not use this function until further notice.
Please do not upload your final diploma application in the TSP section, but use either of the two methods described above
After receiving of your diploma application we will try to contact you within three weeks* with possible additional questions, and prepare the draft proposal. After your approval of the draft proposal, we will send you the final proposal in pdf for inclusion in your PhD thesis.
* In case of holidays this may take some extra time.