WIMEK Training and Supervision Plan
(Most) WIMEK PhDs are required to have an individual Training and Supervision Plan (TSP). You will make this plan yourself, tailor-made for your personal development to become an independent researcher in your field. ou
can consult the WIMEK PhD education Program to get
inspiration on the type of courses and activities you can follow.
An approved WIMEK TSP is compulsory after 6 months to remain eligible for a reduced course fee for courses of Wageningen Graduate Schools (WGS) and a number of SENSE courses. The first 6 months you can already participate in courses and are eligible for the reduced fee without an approved TSP.
Approval of your TSP is also one of the conditions to be formally admitted to the Wageningen University PhD programme, unless you are an external PhD and your supervisor has indicated you won't have a TSP obligation. If you think this might apply to you, please discuss this with your supervisor!
We advise you to apply for an approved TSP within 6 months after the start of your PhD.
Keep in mind that the TSP is a plan, and that you are allowed to make alterations to it when your training needs change in the course of your PhD trajectory, as long as you make sure that you meet the TSP requirements.
Please do not upload a new version of your TSP, after your TSP has been approved. Doing so will overwrite the former approval and causes the ‘TSP has been approved’ checkbox in the PhD checklist to go back to grey. When this happens you can not graduate until the check has been made green again by us.
If you wish to submit your diploma application, send us the diploma application form. Do not use the portfolio option until further notice as it is being updated.
When you have fulfilled all TSP requirements at the end of your PhD, you can apply for the WIMEK/SENSE Diploma.