WIMEK research facilities
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The Soil Chemistry Laboratory (CBLB) is a leading laboratory for chemical analyses in soil, crop and water samples.
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The experimental research of the Kraijenhoff van de Leur Laboratory for Water and Sediment Dynamics mainly focuses on morphological responses to channel flow and overland flow.
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ModuTech is a facility for experimental research on water, renewable energy and recyclable matter.
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The Ruisdael Observatory is a nationwide observatory for measurements of the atmosphere, which enables more concrete, detailed forecasts of the weather and air quality.
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Research facility UNLOCK enables researchers from Wageningen University & Research as well as the Delft University of Technology to study mixed microbial communities and their application.
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The Sinderhoeve is an experimental field station that encompasses experimental ditches, experimental ponds, laboratories and arable land to conduct aquatic and terrestrial research on the behaviour and effects of chemical substances in the environment as well as for more basic ecological research questions.
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The Netherlands Centre for Luminescence dating develops new and improved luminescence dating methods, and applies luminescence dating in collaboration with NCL partners and external users.
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(password=preview) The Wageningen Landscape Sensing Laboratory (WANDER) is a WUR wide demand driven hub for visualising research results to engage stakeholders, students and staff alike in finding solutions together.