Extension period abroad

During your time abroad it is possible that you might need to stay longer than you originally anticipated on your Grant Agreement. In this case you can apply for an extended period for your Erasmus+ grant.

If your stay exceeds more than 5 days in duration compared to the original duration mentioned on your Grant Agreement, you will need to file for an extension period. Please inform us at least one month before the end of your original end date and follow the procedure below.

Extension procedure

  • Contact studentexchange@wur.nl at least one month before the end of your original end date.
  • Inform us about your new exchange period (with the new start and/or end date) and ask if you can apply for extension.
  • We will confirm if you can apply for extension or not.
  • If your extension is confirmed:
  • Thesis/Internship exchange students - you will need to to fill in the 'During the Mobility' section of your
    Learning Agreement called "Changed Learning Agreement", please call it CLA [your surname], and make sure that the CLA is signed by you and by your internship supervisor. Our office will then sign the modified Learning Agreement for you on behalf of WUR. Afterwards, please send the fully signed CLA to studentexchange@wur.nl.
  • Study exchange students - you will need to submit a Changed Learning Agreement with the new dates in Osiris Student. After submitting the form, it has to be signed by Exchange Coordinators from both universities.