France Agro3 (JUNIA ISA Lille, ISARA Lyon and PURPAN Toulouse)

France Agro3: a network of 4 engineering schools specialized in Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences. France Agro3 was founded in 1984, it brings together three schools: JUNIA ISA Lille, ISARA Lyon and PURPAN Toulouse.

The culture on the university is very pleasant, I felt really welcomed. The exchange team did everything to help us and everything was taken care of.
a WUR student

General information

Academic calendar Fall semester: beginning of September - end of December; Spring semester: middle of January - beginning of June
Language of instruction English and French
Areas of agreement Environmental Sciences, Technology & Nutrition, Social Sciences, Life Sciences
Erasmus code F LILLE51
Academic calendar Fall semester: end of August - middle of December;
Language of instruction English and French
Areas of agreement Environmental Sciences, Technology & Nutrition, Social Sciences, Life Sciences
Erasmus code F LYON17
PURPAN Toulouse
Academic calendar Fall semester: beginning of September - end of December; Spring semester: middle of January - end of May
Language of instruction English and French
Areas of agreement Environmental Sciences, Technology & Nutrition, Social Sciences, Life Sciences
Erasmus code F TOULOUS15

Overview of partners and agreements

Further information
