Kickstart Social Fund
Following last year, the kickstart social fund is there to support open activities to connect with fellow students and stimulate a divers landscape of activities organized for and by students.
New year – new goals!
What is new?
- Apply for funding at least 5 weeks before the start of the event
- Budget request of €100,- to €1500,-
- Activity should be open to every student
Assigned budget will be transferred after positive feedback on financial statement
Procedure and criteria
The goal of Kickstart Social Fund is to support open activities to connect students, organized by organisations – groups of students or individual students. These activities should contribute to the divers landscape of initiatives for students to support the social cohesion. We will pay special attention to the division of funding over a large range of activities.
Who can apply?
All student organisations can apply but also groups of students or individuals that are not part of an organisation. This combined target group is hereafter called the ‘activity organiser’.
Target group (of organized activities):
The organized activities must be open for all students to ensure inclusivity.
When can I apply?
Apply at least 5 weeks before the start of the event. Every week the Kickstart Social team will evaluate the new proposals and judge wether the activity is in line with the goals of the Kickstart Social Fund.
How much budget can we apply for?
- The activity organiser can apply for a budget between 100 to 1500 euro per activity.
- Every academic year an organisation can apply for maximum of 3 activities.
- Furthermore, the budget can be used to make activities cost-effective or completely free.
- Their proposal and budget need to be approved by the committee.
- The approval of the budget is communicated at least one month before the start of the event.
- At the end, the activity organisers must report on how the budget was spent and get the funding based on the spending. The report must be hand in maximum one month after the activity.
- Once the Kick-Start Committee received the final statement from the activity organisers they will process their refund for the organized activity.
Approval of the plan
The Kick-start Committee will approve the plans based on the criteria focussing especially on the quality of the proposal and how unique the activity is (we strive to have a diverse programme of activities).
Task Kick-Start Committee and members
Lisa Nguyen and Rutger Kroes (from Student Service Center) are steering the Kick-Start Committee, which is formed by a group of student assistants. The Kick-Start Committee coordinates the process and decides on the procedure, criteria, applications, and funding.
How can we apply?
Fill in this form. Make sure that your budget form is ready to be uploaded.
Most important quality criteria
The applicants have a clear and concrete strategy (including a promotion strategy) The quality of the strategy is assessed in relation to the goal of the funding.
Other criteria that need to be met
- Student organisations/associations, groups of students, or individuals can apply for funding to organize new or existing activities.
- Activity should be open for everyone, also for students who are not member of an association/organisation.
- Activity makes fellow students feel welcome and at home in Wageningen.
- Activity offers opportunities for students in general to get to know other students and strengthen their social network.
- Activity results in involving more students in sports activities on campus or via student sports associations.
- The activity contributes to the diversity of the programme.
- The activity can be organised for a specific group of students (specific interests, talents, or issue), but within this specific group students cannot be excluded because of who they are and what they can(not) do (language, background, functional limitation, etc.)
- The costs must reasonably contribute directly to the purpose, which is social interaction, of the event.
- Costs to declare: Materials, facilities, transport, compensation for speakers, food, and drinks (max 7.5 p.p.) etc. It is not allowed to pay students a volunteer allowance