WUR Library


New call for proposals and guide on flipping your journal to Diamond Open Access

January 27, 2025

NWO published a new funding call to support the transition of subscription-based academic journals to the Diamond Open Access model. Additionally, UKB created a practical guide to help editors with the process of flipping their journals to Diamond Open Access.

NWO call

Diamond Open Access is a form of open access publishing that does not charge fees to the reader or the author. NWO has opened a new call aimed at subscription journals that want to tranform to Diamond Open Access.

Editors, academic societies, foundations and associations that want to “flip” their existing academic or professional journal(s) to a non-profit Diamond Open Access model can apply for the NWO funding.

  • For each project, you can request up to €50,000 to cover the costs associated with transitioning to a non-profit, Diamond Open Access model.
  • You need to submit in your proposal before 15 May 2025.
  • Applications are open to researchers affiliated with Wageningen University.

For more information, please visit Funding for 'flipping' journals to Diamond Open Access | NWO.

How to flip your journal?

The UKB working group Open Access recently published a practical guide on How to flip your journal: A guide to more equitable publishing with Diamond OA. Its authors are all affiliated with Dutch university libraries. In the guide, they share their collective expertise in this area.

The guide aims to support editorial teams in formulating their wishes and priorities, negotiating with their publisher, finding a route to Diamond OA that fits their journal’s aims and priorities, and dealing with the various practicalities involved in transitioning their journal.

Diamond Open Access

Articles in Diamond OA journals are made available to everyone free of charge without subscription fees for readers or publication fees for authors. In this way, scientific publications become widely accessible to all without financial barriers.

Publishing in a diamond open access journal is in line with the Open Access policy of WUR. For more information, please see Open Access.nl.


For questions, please contact the Open Access team of WUR Library. We're happy to help you.