
New patent database: PatDocs

November 28, 2022

PatDocs is a new patent data platform for students, researchers and IP legal professionals. It replaces Orbit Questel. In early 2023, we'll organise several PatDocs demos.


PatDocs offers worldwide coverage of patent documents with instantaneous
machine translations and unlimited PDF downloads. Features include family tree mapping, and auto-populate IDS forms, as well as generating legal reports and order original patent documents. Document delivery is quick and downloadable from email or within PatDocs.

Request account through the Library

WUR staff and students have unlimited access to PatDocs. But, you'll first need to request an account through the Library.

On this PatDocs website, you'll find several tools and tutorials that show you how the tool works. In early 2023, we'll organise several demos to acquaint you with the tool's features.

Databases & Collections

The Library has subscribed to this new resource at the request of Cooperate Value Creating, team Knowledge Transfer. In Databases & Collections, you can find interesting resources on the research fields of Wageningen University & Research. If you need any encyclopaedias or databases that are not in the selection of Databases & Collections yet, please contact us.