Online bookshelf: Study skills
Studying effectively at home or on campus doesn’t always come naturally. WUR Library has acquired a selection of study skills resources, recommended by the student dean and the student psychologist. Take some time to learn how to study smarter, it can make all the difference!
Study skill books
You can borrow the print books at the Forum Library or access the eBooks online. Please make sure you're logged in to get access.
- Mindset : changing the way you think to fulfil your potential; Carol Dweck
- Getting things done: the art of stress-free productivity; David Allen
- Get smarter! : handbook for efficient and effective studying; Mirjam Pol
- The Study Skills Handbook (eBook)
- Nooit meer te druk: een opgeruimd hoofd in een volle wereld; Tony Crabbe
- Studeren zonder stress; Mirjam Pol
More support at WUR
Student Training & Support (STS) offers practical workshops and short training courses for WUR students. Free and voluntary, you can work on your study skills, improve your (mental) well-being and explore your talents. Take a look at the STS website for the upcoming trainings in period 4.
Series online bookshelves
Both the student dean and the student psychologist have participated in selecting the study skills books for this book shelf. In the coming months WUR Library will offer more online bookshelves on related subjects, for example, information literacy, scientific writing and presentation skills.