WUR Library


How do I order documents and images from Special Collections?

Ordering images

The Special Collections department is a great source of visual documentation on a wide array of subjects. Browse the Special Collections website or explore the Wageningen University & Research - Image Collections.

Most images in the Image Collections can be downloaded for free. You can also order digital reproductions in high resolution suitable for print or publication. Note that for external users (non-WUR) this is a fee-based service; the costs are €30,- per digital reproduction. Please contact speccoll.library@wur.nl for further terms and conditions.

Copyright: In most cases, rights apply to the images in our collections, such as copyrights and/or portrait rights. Reproduction and/or disclosure in any form is permitted only after permission from the copyright owner. WUR Image Collections indicates copyright owners for each of the collections in the grey text box on each collection page.

Attribution: When you want to use an image in a publication or on a website, we kindly request you to contact the copyright owner for information on how to attribute. Information on the copyright owner can be found in the grey text box on each collection page.

Ordering publications

WUR Staff and students can order publications from Special Collections via the Get it! service in WUR Library Search. Look up the relevant document then click the "Get it!" button or link. On the next screen, choose the option Request this publication from WUR Library. Articles and copies of book chapters will be delivered electronically. Books from Special Collections are not for loan, you can consult them in the Reading Room.

External users can also order publications from the WUR Library Special Collections. We only handle requests from users that are registered at WUR Library. Please follow these instructions to set up a guest account. Please contact speccoll.library@wur.nl for further terms and conditions.