I am a WUR user but I can't get access to the licensed sources
I am not logged in to My Library
This will be shown in the upper right corner of the screen. Solution: log in to My Library.
I am logged in to My Library, but I’m considered a guest user
This may happen if you have closed your browser and opened it again, or if you have opened a new instance of your browser.
Solution: refresh the webpage by clicking on the function key F5.
I am logged in, but still no access
- The links in the Digital Library are not correct. Solution: refresh the page you are on, and then try again.
- You are using a link from your Favorites or directly typing in a URL in the address bar of your browser. Solutions: Go to the source you want to use on the Library website and use the link that you find there. Or add .ezproxy.library.wur.nl to the domain name. E.g. type https://ezproxy.library.wur.nl/login?url=https://www.scopus.com in stead of http://www.scopus.com/ .