Wageningen University & Research - Image collections
Peatlands in the Weerribben-Wieden, photos 1950-1960
The selection of 45 photos show how peat was extracted in the 1950s in the Weerribben-Wieden in north-west Overijssel.
Nematode Picture Gallery
The Laboratory of Nematology, studies the biology of nematodes (common name: roundworms). The nematode collection is still under construction.
Bugs in Science
Bugs in Science shows special, artistic, photos on several insects. The photographer and researcher at the Laboratory of Entomology, Hans Smid, used different techniques, such as focus stacking and time lapse to capture the insects.
Light on Campus
This collection shows photos of buildings, statues and daily motions on Wageningen Campus. António Valente's photos show the great diversity on the campus in all seasons and at any moment of the day.
Art on Wageningen Campus
Art on Wageningen Campus contains photos of artworks, mostly related to the research domains of Wageningen University & Research. Each artwork is briefly described: name of the artist, year of creation and former locations of the work.
75 Years Liberation in aerial photographs
In 34 aerial photographs the story of the liberation of the Netherlands, 75 years ago in 2020, is told. The chronological series starts with a few items at the beginning of World War II, and focuses on events that took place from September 1944 to May 1945.
Agricultural Engineering Photos
The collection of about 35,000 photos is showing all kinds of aspects of agricultural engineering. The collection was made by photographers employed at the Institute for Mechanisation, Labour and Buildings [Instituut voor Mechanisatie, Arbeid en Gebouwen (IMAG)], a former scientific institute in Wageningen. The IMAG did research on mechanisation processes in agriculture and horticulture.
Caricatures by Louis Raemaekers
The "Schetsboek van Pietje" (sketchbook of Pietje) is a series of 22 caricatures of teachers and other personnel of the Hoogere Land- en Boschbouwschool dating from around 1900, made by Louis Raemaekers (1869-1956). He was a drawing teacher at the school before he became internationally famous as a First World War cartoonist. His grim political cartoons on German war atrocities were influential in bringing America into World War I.
Historic Fruit
Drawings and paintings of historic fruit, fruit growing and fruit varieties from the end of the 15th century till the end of the 20th century. Plant breeding has always been one of the main topics at Wageningen University & Research, in particular at the various agricultural research institutes all over the Netherlands and in the education and research at Wageningen University.
Anatomical models
At the end of the 19th century and in the 20th century anatomical models were used to make teaching more visual. The Rijkslandbouwschool in Wageningen has purchased approx. 60 anatomical models between 1876-1891. These models were developed by Dr. Louis Th.J. Auzoux (1797-1880), a French medical doctor. They were made of papier-mâché. Dr. Auzoux's models of humans, animals, and plants were designed for use in teaching medicine and anatomy and could be taken apart and put back together. 'Dissecting' the models provided a similar experience to examining real human bodies or animals. The models were known as 'Anatomie Clastique'. More information on Dr. Auzoux in Wikipedia.
Women, Agricultural Sciences and Wageningen
This collection of 217 images, mainly photos, illustrate women students, scholars and graduate life at the Wageningen Agricultural College (Landbouwhogeschool) and University. They were taken from 1918 to 2003. Some were used to illustrate the book 'Vrouwen, Wageningen en de wereld. Wetenschap, studie en loopbaan, 1918-2003'.
Food for Mars & Moon
Photos about the experiments to grow plants on Mars and moon soil simulants. The Mars soil simulant comes from a volcano on Hawaii and the moon soil simulant from a desert in Arizona. One result from the experiments proves that the vegetables are safe to eat when grown on these soils.
Marine and Freshwater Photo Collection
2800 photos related to marine and freshwater research, mainly focusing on the Netherlands (North Sea, Wadden Sea, Zeeland, Dutch Caribbean). The photos were made by staff members of Wageningen Marine Research.
Dairy Education 1918 to 1948
A collection of 828 photos, graphs and other images used for dairy education from 1918 to 1948 by Professor Boke van der Burg at the 'Landbouwhogeschool' in Wageningen. The images cover tools and machines for milk processing, cheese and butter making and other subjects related to the dairy industry in the first half of the 20th century.
Storage and Packing of Food and Flowers
This collection holds 823 photos taken by ir. Eelke Westra (Wageningen Food & Biobased Research) on the storage, packing and transport of food and flowers. The photos were taken from 2002 to 2015 in countries around the world.
Root System Drawings
This collection holds 1000 drawings, the outcome of 40 years of root system excavations carried out in Europe, predominantly in Austria. The drawings, their analysis and description were done by staff members of the Pflanzensoziologisches Institut, Klagenfurt, led by Prof. Dr. Lore Kutschera (d. 2008).
Drawings Betje Polak
260 detailed drawings of pollen and spores from fern and other plants, made by dr. B. Polak in the Netherlands East Indies.
Drawings J.G. de Man
The Laboratory of Nematology has collected over 250 drawings of Johannes Govertus De Man (1850-1930). He was a Dutch biologist and a pioneer in nematology.
Drawings Fiep Westendorp
These 22 drawings were made by Fiep Westendorp for a short instructional film on how to work more efficiently and ergonomically in the ornamental horticulture business. Fiep Westendorp is better known as the illustrator of well-known Dutch children’s books.
Old Maps and Atlases
WUR Library holds a large collection of maps and atlases. A small part - 580 old and mostly hand-coloured topographical maps - has been made digitally available. The oldest maps date from c. 1570, the youngest from c. 1860.
Alterra Map Collection
The collection holds about 7300 maps depicting natural phenomena in rural areas of the Netherlands. The maps contain data on soil science, geomorphology, groundwater, landscape, vegetation, flora and fauna, archaeology and cultural history. The maps were produced from 1945 to 1997.
Images W.C.H. Staring
This small collection holds 6 images depicting Winand Staring. W.C.H. Staring (1808-1877) was the founder of geological and agricultural research in the Netherlands.
A collection of 3,280 botanical drawings, wall charts and paintings. This collection includes the Tulip book of P. Cos (1637), the Konstboeck van Simon Schynvoet (1690-1750) and Receuil de plantes des Indes by Maria Sybilla Merian (1765).
A collection of over 1,000 drawings of plant diseases and plant pests and 305 wall charts and paintings on entomology and phytopathology.
Tulip Collection
The Tulip Collection contains the Tulip book and 32 tulipomania pamphlets. The ‘Tulip book of Pieter Cos’ is a manuscript nursery catalogue from 1637 with tulips and a small number of other flowers.
Konstboeck Simon Schynvoet
The 'Konstboeck' is a collection of 142 botanical illustrations from ca. 1680-1750 by Catharina Lintheimer, Alida Withoos, Pieter Withoos, Johannes Bronckhorst and Pieter Holsteijn.
Paintings Professors and Rectors
Photos of 41 portraits of some rectors and professors of Wageningen University and its predecessor, the Agricultural University of Applied Science (Landbouwhogeschool). The original oil paintings are on display in Omnia, the dialogue centre of WUR.
Professors Wageningen University & Research
We are collecting pictures of professors of Wageningen University & Research. We connect the photos to your inaugural and/or farewell speech. Is your photo not in the collection yet? Please contact us.
Cartograms E.W. Hofstee
A collection of 429 socioeconomic illustrations, maps and cartograms made with a cartophoot. The cartophoot was developed by professor E.W. Hofstee (1909-1987).
Wall Charts Animal Sciences
This collection contains 85 academic wall charts on several subjects in animal sciences. The wall charts were used in education during the period 1870-1920.
Wall Charts Entomology & Phytopathology
A collection of 305 wall charts on Entomology and Phytopathology from the period of 1900 until 1980. The wall charts were used to study insect-plant relations and plant diseases.
Wall Charts Agriculture
Wall charts on agriculture and agrotechnology. Five posters are from Willy (Jan Willem) Sluiter, a Dutch painter (1873-1949). The posters were commissioned by the Dutch government in World War I. The other three wall charts in this small collection were used in agrotechnology education in the past.
Trees in Urban Landscapes
This collection contains information from the former Dryade data bank. This data bank held data on the use of 1000 different trees in Dutch forests, plantations and urban landscapes such as parks, public gardens and along roads and streets.
Applied Arable and Vegetable Research
The collection Applied Arable and Vegetable Research (Praktijkonderzoek AGV) holds over 13.500 photos on arable farming and horticulture. The photos come from test and demonstration fields in Lelystad.
Wageningen University & Research Image Collections is composed and managed with great care. Nevertheless, inaccuracies may occur. Please contact us if you find that your rights are infringed by work(s) disclosed in the Image Collections, and/or if (personal) information is not displayed properly.
Wageningen University & Research Image Collections, the content and the application, is maintained by WUR Library.