SciVal is a bibliometric tool that uses Scopus data to analyse the research performance of individuals or groups. As a researcher, you can use SciVal to create evaluation reports, to identify a publication strategy, and to find new collaborations.
SciVal options for WUR researchers
You can access SciVal on a WUR network by using your Elsevier log in from Scopus or from any manuscript submission to an Elsevier journal. SciVal offers four analysis modules: Overview, Benchmarking, Collaboration and Reporting. Reporting allows you to create analysis reports. SciVal uses the Scopus databases and has access to most information on institutions, countries and individual researchers. But, you can also create groups or research areas by using keywords, names of your colleagues or collaborators, and analyse group performances.
SciVal analysis tools
Overview shows metrics on Publications and Citations (e.g., Field-Weighted Citation Impact, Citations per Publication, h-index), Collaborations, Societal impact and more. You can view these metrics in a table or graph, and you can set the time frame for the search.
Benchmarking allows you to evaluate individuals or groups against the field they publish in. Benchmarking can be used to compare institutions, authors and groups. But, you can also use benchmarking to showcase your impact in the field, for example, in research proposals.
Collaboration is available on a country or an institutional level (e.g., WUR), but you can narrow this to your own defined research areas. Collaborations in SciVal are based on the different affiliations in publications and on co-citing publications. You can identify current and potential collaborations, worldwide or in specific regions, or collaborations between specific types of institutions (academic, medical, corporate or government). The collaboration module can also be a good tool to identify the most important research groups in a field.
Library support for SciVal
Library Staff uses SciVal for citation analyses and for on-demand perform analyses. They can also teach you how to use SciVal.