Tulip collection
WUR Library has a collection of historical literature on tulips. Furthermore, Wageningen University & Research produces scientific and practical knowledge about tulips. There are several ways to find information on tulips.
The tulip book
The tulip book of P. Cos is available in WUR Image Collections/Beeldbank. The manuscript contains 54 gouaches of tulips, followed by 12 added drawings of tulips some by [Pieter] Holsteijn the Younger and Pieter Schagen, 7 watercolours of carnations and 2 drawings of other flowers.
Tulipomania pamphlets
In the Netherlands during the first half of the seventeenth century, tulip bulbs were sold at outrageous prices. Speculation rose in the year 1637 to an extent that bulbs were sold faster than they could grow. Prices spiraled to a extremely high level for bulbs of which neither buyer nor seller had seen the flower. This tulipomania got out of hand so badly that bulb growers themselves asked the government to ban the trade. Special Collections holds 35 tulipomania pamphlets ridiculing the craziness of this speculative trade.
Tulp portaal
The 'Tulp portaal' a part of database 'Groenekennis' gives access to historic and recent professional articles, books, reports or websites on tulips. A lot of the information is online available. Older and historic information is available via WUR Library on paper. A part of the materials is only for use at the Special Collections Reading Room.