In addition to the digital collections, an excellent print collection is available at the Forum Library. Learn how to request and borrow books and other Library materials.
WUR Library Search
WUR Library Search is the search engine of the Library. You can use it to:
- see whether the books and journals you are looking for are available online, or
- whether and where they are available in the print collection.
- Access the full text of the publication by clicking on the blue Get it! button.
- Locate the printed books and journals by their Call number.
Loan rules
Your WURcard is also your Library card. You can borrow up to 25 books, free of charge. The loan period is 28 days. Borrowed books will be automatically renewed after 28 days. For students, we'll automatically renew the loan period up to two times unless the book has been reserved. If renewal is not possible, you'll get an email with a request to return your library book within seven days.
Most of the books at WUR Library can be borrowed. Some of the books, journals and compulsory study books are only available for reference. You can read these in the Library, but you cannot borrow them. Use WUR Library Search to search for and request the books you want to read.
Watch these two videos to learn how to request & get books:
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